Here's some photos of smart cars that have been 'modified' slightly! Enjoy! Marvinh Go From This (1st Picture) the Smamborghini (2nd Picture) .... or the Smaudi A3 AWD (3rd Picture) the Smerrari (4th Picture)...Or the Smorsche (5th Picture) ... to the The Smorsche Targa (6th Picture) and last but no least ... the Smorvette! (7th Picture). LOL! Cute Ehhh? Marvinh
I remember quite clearly that my son had a car that was the spittin' image of the Smamborghini back 1985. It was about 2 inches long and had a spring motor. He kept loosing it under the couch, behind the stereo cabinet, etc. Lemme tell ya, I'd be very hesitant to buy one of these for basic transportation. Every morning you might have to spend an hour or so searching all over the house, crawling around on your hands and knees, searching in every nook and cranny with a flashlight to try to find it. Marvinh, great find, what a hoot! Thanks for sharing. Who makes them, Tonka-Toy? These things really are not much bigger than a go-cart! Are they really street legal? Are they available in EV or hybrid versions yet?
No, but seriously now... If you had a NEV (Neighborhood Electric Vehicle) that looked like any of these little cuties, at least there would be the allusion that, given a long enough straight-away on a moderate down-slope, you would have a slightly better than even chance to win a race against the kid on a Big Wheel who lives on the next block over.