I just got the April issue of Wired Magazine in the mail today and there was a beautiful picture of a Prius ever so slightly modified on the cover. I liked the two finned spoiler on the back, but thought the fancy side mirrors was a bit of overkill. I don't think those mirrors had defrosters on them. The main article was about Toyota and how they are going against conventional thinking in developing hybrid technology. Good article. Everyone here will enjoy it. Also there was a list of all the current and soon to be current hybrid cars on the market with their pros and cons, as well as an article on China and how hybrids and other alt-fuel is going to shape their estimated growth. PriusChat got a plug in the Toyota article too. I liked the quote that said "Buy a hybrid and passersby will know that you're hip and intelligent" I already knew that. 8) 8)
The quote is..... "A typical newsgroup from one of hundreds of customers who frequent fansites like PriusChat.com: 'This is the greatest car ever invented'" I guess we need to do a search and figure out who here got quoted.
How do you think I found this site? Wired just arrived in the mail today, and as a new Prius owner, I haven't even glanced at the rest of the issue. It's a great article, and though its focus is the Prius, it gives what seems to be a good run-down on other technologies and specific cars.
Priusmania is gathering steam. i predicted that the increase in production would not even come close to filling the demand and in this area that has been true so far. i talked to my dealer two weeks ago on my oil change and they say that there is still a 3 month wait and the Prius has become the #3 seller at the dealership. he thinks that if they had the supply, the Prius would outsell the Camry which is #2... sadly, pickups are still first
Wow, that's awesome that PriusChat was mentioned in Wired this month. I'm still trying to track down a copy (they didn't have it at the local CVS). I'll try to check a bookstore today at lunch. Thanks for posting about the article, edrum!
great article!! i nearly cried from the fact that now the masses may actually start to "get it" this is the first article i have ever read that truly reveals how advanced the Prius is. Toyota should be paying them royalties
Interesting that the article suggests Honda's hybrid sales have been a big disappointment, and that Toyota is the only company that has dared throw itself behind the technology. Too many other companies see the hybrid as a temporary phase - like the electric car or the polaroid camera - to be replaced with something else soon enough. Ouch. The author also said Toyota thinks a special kind of person will pay $3,000 extra for a compact car - people with master's degrees, six figure incomes and a fondness for composting. This profile is way off for me, but perhaps this is why I can't get my hands on a baseline car.
actually the article said that at first, only forward thinking people with expendable income would buy a Prius. i think we are waaay beyond that.
Well from my vantage point as a smug Prius driver (also a Mac user and nut) I think this is a great article. Now all we need to do is get a Mac Mini in my Prius! I do agree that the "feel" of the Prius driver mirrors the Mac user. Same enthusiasm, inquiry, and willingness to experiment and extend. I really like this car.