It's time I started looking for a new car and since mileage has always been important to me I'm looking at the Prius. I've visited two dealerships so far but neither had a Prius I could even look at. In the meantime I was hoping I could get a look at a manual (download one online) but I can't find one online anywhere for free. So I was hoping you all could answer a question I have about the Prius . . . I understand that it's push to start. But is a key needed to start the car? Usually one inserts a key and then pushes start, right? The Toyota website shows a key fob but there appears to be no key. Is there just a key fob to open the doors electronically? Does the key fob allow one to start the car? Can anyone explain this to me? thanks (and if anyone knows where I can download a manual for free do tell).
No key. The Smart Key System (SKS) uses a small pocket fob, like the ones used to remotely lock and unlock ordinary cars. If you have your fob in the driver's area of the Prius, simply pressing on the brake and pushing the power button will start the car. There is a small mechanical key stored in the fob which can be used to unlock the driver's door in an emergency. Tom
Very cool. Thanks. the stored mechanical key, does it "flip" out or must one "open" the fob and take the key out? Is there any security risks with not needing a key to start car? How close does the fob have to be? What immediately comes to my mind is some housewife opening Prius in Grocery store lot, opening the backseat door to place a grocery bag (fob is in her pocket or hand) and some stranger just walks up, opens the front door, pushes start, and drives away leaving the housewife standing by where the open rear door was.
Actually, it slides out. You would only need it for the door should your fob battery die. There is also a slot in the dash the entire fob fits in if you wish to disable the SKS and use it as a more traditional key. The car would probably start in this situation but it seems to be a stretch to think this would actually happen. Even if it were to happen the thief would be out of luck once the car was powered off.
Sometimes while waiting for someone, I'll sit for a few minutes with the motor off but the "battery on" so I can listen to the radio. I suppose this is a moot point with the Prius? To do this with the Prius I would "Start" the car and since I'm not moving I can listen to the radio and there will be no motor cause of the prius battery? I have no experience with hybrid cars so I'm just trying to understand how it will be different. Thanks.
To start the car, the fob doesn't require the battery to be working? I'm assuming it transmits some sort of frequency to allow starting of the car? Doesn't it need a battery to transmit?
In and emergency and when the fob or 12v battery is too weak to work. As for the manual you will find an unofficial manual that's more that the official one at John's Stuff - Toyota Prius User-Guide. Toyota will not allow you to access or download the manual without a VIN. I found John's manual did the trick until I got my car. Good luck on your purchase.
Yeas, it needs the battery to work as a "smart key" but will still work in the dash if the fob battery dies.
The fob needs its battery to transmit back to the beacon. If the fob battery is dead, or the SKS system is turned off, you can open the driver's door with the mechanical key and insert the fob in the slot in the dash. In this mode, the fob works as a passive RFID device and needs no battery. As for the housewife scenario, the fob needs to be in the front seat area to start. There are four antennas for the SKS: one in each front door, one in the front center armrest, and one in the hatch area. The SKS controller is smart enough to know where the activating fob is located and to act appropriately. Tom
Or if the fob battery is dead or the SKS is turned off, or there is an interfering RF signal. I considered all of these to be emergency situations, although they do not necessarily constitute an emergency. Sometimes I try to skip the details in order to emphasize the general concept. Tom
So the user can choose/set the SKS to be either on or off? There's a procedure where one can turn it on or off? Or are you referring to "emergency" situations where the SKS is off for example due to dead battery?
Yes, there is a button under the steering wheel that disables the SKS. This is mainly to reduce drain on the 12v battery if you're going to park the car for a few weeks.
There is a switch under the steering post base which allows you to turn SKS on or off. I don't know why anyone would turn it off, but I don't know everything.
What is "ICE"? I've seen this several times now on this forum but I haven't figured out what peeps are talkign about.
Technically its the Internal Combustion Engine. Its the gasoline engine combined with two electrical motors to run this true hybrid. Post above was using a pun on the name.
I didn't read all the posts, but package 2 and above have a Smartkey fob thingy. I always leave it in my pocket. Walk up to the door, grab handle, it beeps, open, sit, buckle, foot on brake, push power button, ready to go. I don't put the Smart key in the car as I don't want to leave it in the car at all. The Smart key has a little mechanical key inserted into it, just in case the battery in the Smartkey fob dies. then can still open the door with regular key and put key fob in the dash slot to drive the car.
"ICE" in regard to the Prius is its internal combustion engine. There are three things that provide power to the drivetrain in the Prius through the Power Split Device: ICE, MG2 (motor generator 2, the traction motor) and MG1 (motor generator 1).