Hello all, my civic hybrid was in a rear ended last week and was totalled . I was getting pretty good milage out of her at about 45 mpg. We picked up a used 05 white Prius with 45k and package 5 and love it! So far I'm avg 50 mpg. IMO I think the Prius has a better hybrid system compared to the Honda's IMA. I love the fact that the Prius can power the wheels exclusively using the battery or a little while. I also love the space and being able to put the back seats down. The only thing I dislike about the Prius so far is the GPS maps being out dated. I searched to find how to get a update dvd but I see that some of the newer maps are not compatable. Any ideas? Thanks.
You have to match the DVD to the MFD screen. If your 2005 is like my 2004, it is the lower resolution edition. Toyota sells them, but personally I would try to buy the disc used first. Maybe ebay ?
IMO, that feature alone is worth an extra premium. How many mile experience did you have with the Civic Hybrid? Was it current gen HCH? How about the handling? Do you feel the difference in handling between HCH and the Prius? Since you did not mention it, it sounds like you don't miss HCH handling at all.
I had the HCH I not the current model. I had it for about 20k miles. The ride in the HCH was ok the suspension was soft. I really can't say more about the Prius since I only had it for less then 4 days. So far so good. I will say that the acceleration in the Prius is nicer when needed to get up to speed.
Okay.. how about some numbers. What is the version Toyota is pushing out on thec 2009s or 2008s, and what is the updated version?
Welcome and congratulations, Nata$ ! Sorry about your other car, but glad to hear you like your Prius as much as the rest of us. Be forewarned - it only gets better.
Welcome Nata$, I am sure you will enjoy your Prius more than the HCH. I had an 03 HCH for over four years before getting my 07 Prius and I can truly say that the Prius is much better. My lifetime mileage with the Prius is about 6 mpg better than the HCH lifetime mileage. Enjoy your car, you will like it more every time you drive it.
Current version of nav is 7.1. Alas, the cost is $250 for the disk. Makes ya think about buying a whole new TomTom unit sumthin similar. That upgrade price is just too expensive.
Oh forgot to mention that I love the fact the ac is run on electric. In the HCH I was always letting the car turn back on cause it got too hot. So Kenoar.to i could get a 7.1 DVD? Thanks