I have a 2008 with 4000 miles on it. When I am in accessory mode/screen, the battery is blank. Is this normal or not ? When the car is running the battery screen is fine. Any ideas out there ?
What is the "accessory mode screen"? I assume you are discussing the consumption or energy screen, but I'm not sure. A few more details will help. Tom
I think you mean that when you hit the (POWER) button twice without your foot on the brake. This will put the car into the "accessories" mode where the radio/windows/etc will work but the car's not running. Yes, this is normal. If I'm correct, you are not using the hybrid battery in this mode and the hybrid system is not online. If this is true then the car wouldn't be able to gauge the state of the battery. I was in "accessory" mode when inflating a flat tire and managed to kill my 12v battery.
Yes that is it. So the battery in the screen should be blank ? Were you inflating a flat tire at a gas station or you had a portable pump you plug into the car accessory plug ?
If the car has not been in use, which battery looses power? 12V or the hybrid battery? If it is 12V how do I charge it? can a standard battery charger be used? where do I plug it in?
You can plug it into the "jumper" points under the plastic cover in the engine compartment.. DO NOT reverse the polarity or you WILL probably kill the inverter and it'll cost a fortune to replace it. Note: when using any accessories that require power.. always put the Prius in the "READY" mode... The HV traction battery under the rear seats provides power to charge the little 12v battery in the back right side area. Using 12v power items when not in READY mode can kill the little auxilliary battery pretty quick. In "Ready" mode the vehicle will take care of the 12v aux battery and feed it a charge to keep it happy as and when needed.