A good friend who works at Cartalk just emailed me about Better World Club. Evidently, it's comparable but in competition with AAA. It differs in that it's environmentally based and socially responsible. It's currently offering a free year membership (If you sign up for one year) for hybrid owners. It also offers discounts on hybrid rentals. I'm a ways off from needing roadside assistance but for folks that a nearing the end of your warranty period, you may want to investigate this. I've only cruised through the site but thought it was worthwhile to post here. I like how they place a 20% membership surcharge on gas guzzlers! I'm sure they won't get too many memberships from that crowd anyhow... http://www.betterworldclub.com/press/2005feb22.htm Cheers, -bob
We just transferred from AAA to Better World. Better World acknowledges and gives discounts to hybrid owners (you enter your VIN) and provides road service to bicycles. Better World offers all the features of AAA, but Better World is not a highway lobby that opposes the Clean Air Act.
unless i am reading the fine print wrong. Better world will only tow you to the closest qualifed repair facility. not the facility of your choice.
"unless i am reading the fine print wrong. Better world will only tow you to the closest qualifed repair facility. not the facility of your choice." Isn't that what AAA does, too? In the case of the Prius, that MUST mean dealer, since no one else can work on it properly (excepting simple things like flats--even the battery is a dealer-only item).
No, AAA will tow you whereever you want. I had my starter quit in Palm Harbor where I stopped to answer a page. Had it towed to my parents' house in Spring Hill, about 40 miles away so I could fix it with my dad's tools. I gave the guy $20 tip since he was about to go home and it was raining, but I was not obligated to. Granted I do have AAA Plus, but the difference is only in distance covered.