I know rates will vary a lot based on who you are, where you are, etc, but ... How much are you paying for car insurance? From whom? If you feel comfortable leaving pertinent information like "I've crashed 7 times in 2 weeks and they were all my fault!" or "I'm 16 and already have 5 tickets, wee!" or "I'm 120 and haven't had a ticket in over a century!" that'd be helpful too. Just trying to get a good idea, as it still seems like the Prius is one of the most expensive cars to get insurance for.
The insurance for our Prius was less than a comparable ordinary car. I was pleasantly surprised. Our auto insurance is through Horrace Mann. I don't recall what we pay, but I can look it up. Tom
Insurance varies widely state by state (and even region by region within states), so numbers from people in Southern CA are probably the most useful to you. MA is different from every other state in the nation when it comes to car insurance (although it's taking steps towards more of a "normal" market), but we pay ~$900/year for two 30 year olds with one significant accident ~2 years ago.
shopping around it looks like esurance and travelers insurance are towards the cheap end, i use wawanesa, i heard about it on prius chat. its only available in california and oregon, and canada. its one of the few insurance companies left that will write policies for a year and not six months wawa does not cover mexico and does not offer gap if you are in southern california, progressive might be a good idea. they have commercials for this convergence center you take your crashed car to and they take it off your hands and give you a rental right there, there are not a lot of actual convergence centers, but they do have one in southern california
We have full coverage with a low deductible and extra liability coverage and it runs $250 every 6 months. That's over $50 less than the Neon it replaced. We are both over 30 and have not had accidents in the last 10+ years. We also have homeowners insurance with the same company.
We pay $802 a year with $500,000.00 liability and of course comp. and collision. We're with Erie Insurance Group.
I'm with LibMut in the Harrisburg, PA area. For collision, I pay $250 per year on each of my two Jeeps and $650 per year for my 2008 Prius.
USAA -- if you are eligible. There are probably too many variables to compare one person to the next (location, age and record the most variable), but here's what my experience has been... Every couple years I humor myself and get quotes from many insurance companies for my exact situation, and every time, my existing insurance company (USAA) ends up being over $100 cheaper (per 6 months) than ANYTHING else out there. Plus, I get on average $100 back each year depending on the surplus in the company's budget. All profits go back to the customers. I pay $500 (per 6 months) to insure a 2006 Prius and a 2006 Hybrid Highlander in San Diego, two 40-something-y-o drivers with very good records. $1000 collision deductible on each vehicle. Unfortunately, USAA caters to a narrow, low-risk, conservative-driving clientele. Current and former military or family members are just about the only ones they insure.
I pay about $500 every 6 months, but I'm also a 26 year old male. My rate actually went down a few dollars when I traded in my 2002 Accord for the Prius.
we're paying $600+ for the prius and $700+ for the civic hybrid every 6 months. i used to drive an evolution and i only paid $420 every 6 months with the same coverage... both from allstate. unbelievable.
I'm in California and with State Farm. When I bought my Prius my insurance was less than the pickup truck I was driving.