I have been searching but am having a hard time finding a good price for a Curt hitch. Anyone have a good online source for it?
JC Whitney. $124.99 with Free Shipping. Bought one last month and it's great--really stable with a Yakima Stick-up platform bicycle rack. I also purchased a Coastal Hitch but returned it because the Curt just looked so much better--but it's 10 lbs heavier. --WJP http://www.jcwhitney.com/autoparts/...rowse/s-10101/Ntk-AllTextSearchGroup?Ntt=curt
I just installed my Curt which I got from ebay - Carparts (ebayer) $99 plus shipping came to $120 total. Looks great. I think that he relists his hitch auctions about once a month. Just guessing but a super good deal. Good luck...
Seller Information Steve Chiagouris Chicago, IL 60601 United States eBay Store - carparts: Floor Mats Cargo Mats, Windows Sunroofs, Trailer Hitch Balls Covers
I don't know what the prices are now at U-Haul, but last September when I got my Curt hitch from them, they charged me $110 for the hitch, $20 for labor to install it. $11 bucks 8.25% NY sales tax. I could have installed it myself and shaved $21.60 off the whole deal, but I was lazy. It's been a year and I've been to a lot of interesting places with my road bike on the back of my Prius! I think I definitely got my money's worth.
Sorry Rest, but they didn't give me an email address - Just an ebay # that they use to keep the person hidden. Message from eBay Member Regarding Item #270278830489 If that helps but they are out of Chicago and have a business called Carparts. On ebay her is the best I can do for now. eBay Store - carparts: Floor Mats Cargo Mats, Windows Sunroofs, Air Intake and Fuel Systems Good luck
forget about ebay. Use Google and go to : carparts.com It is listed there. carparts.com - Google Search http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&safe=off&q=carparts.com&btnG=Search
Void what warranty.....Toyota's? How would it void the warranty? I have not read anything saying the curt is not recommended.
There is no such thing that you can modify on the car that voids the entire warranty. Nothing. That's federal law. If you bolt on a trailer hitch and the wipers stop working, the auto company has to prove that what you did broke the wipers, or the warranty for the wipers is still in effect. You can even add a plug-in system. And as long as it doesn't destroy the parking brake, then the parking brake is still covered if something goes wrong with it. We only go through this same conversation about every week! If you are a strict manual-follower, you will also note that you are not to ever exceed any posted speed limit. So be careful out there! You may just encounter a speeding, hitch-toting Prius that's out of control.
A recommendation does not mean void. Unless they specifically say they will void the warranty. Now what could happen is lets say you start towing really heavy stuff and your trans goes out, then Toyota might have a case of not honoring the power train warranty. But as what was said, they have to prove it. I have no intention of towing heavy things, just 2 bikes.
Thanks for all the help, I just ordered a Curt from CarParts.com with free shipping, it came to $91.48 out the door.
My Curt hitch arrived today, sure is heavier than I thought it would be but is very sturdy. I am going to see if I can just cut out an opening in the plastic under body cover, instead of a slit. I know doing a slit makes the install easier but I would rather not have an open hole under there if possible.
BONK! Wrong answer Billy Joe Bob I have seen and read dozens of reports of aftermarket items getting the warranty VOIDED! Then your F'ed. Try taking GM or Toyota to court. They have a lot more money then you do and a lot more time. How long can you let your car sit dead or broken in the street while "TRY" to see a GIANT-MEGA-CORPORATION. Rotflmao.
Did you see the price increase that Carparts.com did with our Curt Hitch? It's now selling for $161.99, that's almost double what it was selling for last November. Wth? I was going to purchase another one from them, but not now!