First of all, before I get to the bribery part, how do you apply to donate for the Bronze, Silver, Platinum? I must have missed it or not looked down the right beginner thread. Thanks. Now for the idea: What would everyone think of promoting more site sponsorship by having folks with huge amounts of points offer to donate them to people who put up $$ for it? We should all do it out of the goodness of our hearts, but every little bit of motivation helps. ****NOTE: I am planning on putting up the $$ anyway, but it just slipped in my mind as a funny possibility.**** Regards all, Larry
Actually Danny has an affliate account at Amazon, so when I ordered my bluetooth phone from from Amazon ($49 instead of $250) from his link, so PriusChat will get a rebate from Amazon.
Hmm... an interesting idea to kick off the 2005 Fundraiser with. I'll kick it around and see what we can develop from it. The 2005 Fundraiser campaign will kick off in May. Hopefully all of the goodies everyone is awaiting from donating during the 2004-present timeframe will be ready and shipped by the end of April.
The regular donation page is here: It explains the various donation options and levels.
I'm kind of a newbie and learning my way around in here. I don't know how the points work exactly, but what bookrats (Jeff) suggested is what I had in mind. Is there a way to get points other than member donations or total number of posts? Have a good day!
Every time you do a good deed, such as moving into another lane and letting faster traffic pass, you earn a point. When you say "please" or "thank you", you earn a point. When you see a Hummer driving down the highway and the driver flicks his cigarette butt out his window, you receive two points for every time you flick him off.