HOV Commuter Hybrid Hostility

Discussion in 'Gen 2 Prius Main Forum' started by Chipsy, Mar 18, 2004.

  1. Chipsy

    Chipsy New Member

    Mar 10, 2004
    Northern Virginia
    I recently bought a 2002 Classic. I love it, BTW. :D

    But as someone in Northern Virginia who used to do Metro, VRE, walk, carpool, and slug occasionally I'm appalled at the number of people who are seething because Prii and other hybrids are able to ride alone in lanes that are designated HOV2 (high occupancy vehicle) and HOV3.

    There's a concerted effort on the part of the folks who slug down I-95 to work (slugging is a Northern VA term for a homegrown, grassroots system of hitching a free ride to downtown DC--you get in the "slug lines" and lone drivers who wish to use the HOV lane pick you and another passenger up--and off you go) to lobby VA to revoke the hybrid and CF provision for HOV-1. Many of them cite that we are "selfish," "elitist" and the only reason we bought the car was to use the HOV lane. Many of them point out that the point of high occupancy vehicle lanes is that they are for vehicles with high occupancy, which reduces the number of vehicles on the road. Are we being selfish?

    HOV-1 IS part of the reason we bought the car. However, I cannot pick up two riders because I commute from suburb to suburb, and my spouse does not want me to pick up strangers. That's not being elitist--that's keeping my marriage intact.

    Driving HOV-1 is not a given You have to get special Clean Fuel plates for this priviledge. Should I even bother? What would y'all do?

  2. SoFlaJB

    SoFlaJB New Member

    Jan 20, 2004
    I say "Go For It!" The truth of the matter is that HOV exclusions for hybrids are probably a short term thing. There are other posts on this board about the topic, and many people share the belief that High Occupancy doesn't apply to Prii. But the reason legislatures are doing what they are doing vis a vis Hybird HOV tags/decals is to incent good stewardship of environmental resources and encourage the purchase of vehicles with lower emissions.

    So take advantage of it while you can. When the number of hybrids starts to take off, I'm sure that the original intent of HOV will return. In the mean time, make a statement.

    As an aside, I've lived in No. Va. (Fairfax) and would have loved to have a Prius simply for the ability to take I-66 downtown at rush hour. I live in south Florida now, have an HOV sticker, and truthfully don't even need it that much!
  3. Frank Hudon

    Frank Hudon Senior Member

    Jan 11, 2004
    here on the west coast of Canada they advertise the hov's as the Green Lane ya a Expidation or Suburban with 2 people in it is as green as a Prius. Not in a donkey year and ya the Looser who don't have a car and want you to give them a free ride, ya I'd probably drive by them and spray them with mace. I might be green but I ain't frendly, at least not to loosers who want something for nothing.
  4. rflagg

    rflagg Member

    Jan 5, 2004
    Springfield, VA
    I think those that live in this area (from NoVA too) need to worry more about those single occupancy non-hybrid cars and trucks using the HOV. They need to realize that it would take 10 2004 Prius' to equal the emissions of NOx for just one car.

    I, too, think it'll be a short term thing in this area, just because those without will complain until something changes - hopefully by then, so many cars will be hybrids, they'll shut up before it's too late! :)

  5. daniel

    daniel Cat Lovers Against the Bomb

    Feb 25, 2004
    Spokane, WA
    2004 Prius
    If the real purpose of those lanes is to reduce emissions, then Prius should be allowed. However, if the real purpose is to reduce traffic, then they should not. Air pollution is a big problem, but so is traffic congestion on overcrowded freeways.
  6. Chipsy

    Chipsy New Member

    Mar 10, 2004
    Northern Virginia
    The provision runs out in 2006, and can be revoked at any time. You're right about folks being better served by worrying about HOV violators. Apparently there are some folks who think that their time is worth more than the fines and they break the law anyway.

    Those are the people who really get my goat.

  7. wowbam

    wowbam New Member

    Feb 19, 2004
    The reason HOV was created back in the 70s mind was for clean air purposes hence that is why Hybrids are welcome in HOV. The slugs will get over it, and with 50 miles of HOV and 4 hrs of HOV prvilege it really doesn't matter. It will be voted on again in 2006, but with so many people buying hybrids its hard for Richmond to change the rules. The slugs are typically jealous and would not drive themselves to work anyway, because it is not free. A free ride is a free ride. Believe me they don't care about the environment, the hybrids don't cause traffic, it's people moving farther out that causes traffic. So don't worry about the smirks, they have the right to buy a hybrid too, but they wont because it aint free.
    Smile, wave and get to work happy.
  8. XravenX

    XravenX New Member

    Feb 6, 2004
    Harrisonburg, VA
    I am in the DC Metro area and I have seen more people disobey the HOV resrictions then follow them. People who complain about the Prius are the same ones that complain about motorcyclist. I lucky will have both once i get the prius. The idea for HOV is to reward people who are causing less traffic. But it also should reward people who are polluting less.
  9. efusco

    efusco Moderator Emeritus
    Staff Member

    Nov 26, 2003
    Nixa, MO
    2004 Prius
    Maybe they should add a polluter lane...any vehicle not ULEV or higher rated would have to travel in that lane unless they were carrying 3 or more people in the vehicle, they could then move over to the HOV lane!

    This whole thing starts taking on the import of a pissing contest in my view. In many ways it makes more sense to utilize HOV lanes for High Occupancy Vehicles since that will improve the flow of traffic and thus reduce the number of cars sitting idling and polluting in traffic while reducing travel times and stress and noise pollution. That might have a bigger impact on the 'whole' environment than by allowing in hybrids in HOV lanes.

    Anyway, for someone who is rarely in a place that has HOV lanes, I know I'd still feel a bit guilty traveling in an HOV lane if I was the only occupant in my Prius....I'd still use it if it was legal, but I'd feel guilty....a little.
  10. mboileau

    mboileau New Member

    Feb 11, 2004
    SF Bay Area
    This thread prompted me to review the DMV specifics for California, and of course it's done nothing but get me frustrated. Apparently, prior to 1/1/04, ILEV (inherently low) and ULEV (ultra-low) could use the HOV lanes after getting the $8 clean machine sticker. After 1/1/04, only ILEV and SULEV (super-ultra-low) can use the HOV lanes. Now, the '04 Prius states right on the window sticker that it's ILEV/ULEV/SULEV blah blah so there shouldn't be a problem. It's 100% compliant with the California Vehicle Code (found on the government website). However, some moron at DMV decided to AMEND the letter of the law and specifically add to the DMV rules that "hybrids need not apply". There's nothing that doesn't meet the legal language of the CVC, but we're still excluded. If I had a good attorney (and could afford one), I'd love to put it to the test and see who wins in court....
  11. mboileau

    mboileau New Member

    Feb 11, 2004
    SF Bay Area
    As a follow-up, I sauntered over to our local DMV during lunch and asked the tough questions about our hybrid exclusion from HOV usage. They gave me the telephone number for the ARB Motor Vehicle Information hotline (800) 242-4450. The woman at that office pointed me toward their website and a specific FAQ about the Prius:
    She also said that former Gov. Davis started a bill in California to allow hybrids to be added to the list of qualified vehicles. A determination has not been made yet. Somehow I have the feeling that a Governator who owns 7 Hummer-guzzlers isn't going to be too much in a rush to push this bill through...
  12. plusaf

    plusaf plusaf

    Feb 15, 2004
    Raleigh, NC
    2004 Prius
    and the next link shows that some compressed-natural-gas SEVEN LITER engined vehicles are ok in the HOV lanes... http://www.arb.ca.gov/msprog/carpool/carpo...ol.htm#vehicles

    i'd suggest a letter or ten to "Assemblyman Jim Cunneen" to consider a rewrite of his bill....... [email protected]

    ps.... i've been writing about the stupidity of many of the HOV lanes for several years... see http://www.plusaf.com/soapbox/carpool.htm for example...

    but the issue is really one of the rationale behind the LAWs. if it's to get CARS off the road by putting multiple DRIVERS in one car, so be it, and LEVs can keep to the right lanes. (phooey!). if there's any part of the rationale that includes "fewer cars = less pollution", virtually all cars with high mileage (say, 40+ EPA) or some low number of grams per mile of emissions, SHOULD be allowed.

    this is what happens when the lawyers write the laws. they don't tend to be too good at math and science.....

    Mike Honda is my State Representative, and he and Cunneen both have rather "green" voting records, so this might work... other CA folks... join in!

    here's a copy of what i just emailed to Cunneen, with a copy to Honda. Mike Honda, that is! this could get confusing....
    i would like to know if you would consider a modification to legislation that regulates the use of hybrid automobiles in HOV lanes.

    while for some, this is a "religious" issue, my thoughts on the subject are that, if HOV lanes are intended to reduce the number of CARS on the highways, then the ONLY cars that should be in the HOV lanes are cars with MORE THAN ONE LICENSED DRIVER in them. i.e., that having more than one licensed driver in the car is the cause that effects "one less car on the road."

    if the HOV lanes are also intended to reduce pollution emitted by automobiles, it would seem rational to me to look at all vehicles, ranked by the amount of pollution they emit per mile, and decide on a cutoff number, above which they can be in the HOV lane with ANY number of passengers or drivers in the vehicle, and below which they may only use the HOV lanes if they have more than one licensed driver on board.

    if this logic appeals to you, i would respectfully ask you to consider revisions to laws like AB71.

    thank you for considering this input, and i would like to know your feelings on the subject.

    Alan Falk
    mailto:p[email protected]

    cc: [email protected] , my representative.
    Filtered by Norton Antivirus.
  13. Chipsy

    Chipsy New Member

    Mar 10, 2004
    Northern Virginia
    That California hybrid exclusion is the argument that the slugs are using in their letter writing campaigns against hybrids.

    To some degree it is a p*****g contest. The slugs want to retain their right to a free ride to work and back (not bad if you have it); some (not all)of the hybrid owners bought their cars specifically to HOV-1 (and display vanity plates that say HOV-1 and HOV4ME); there are those who believe that it's about getting more cars off the road, and others who believe it's all about emissions. Then there are people who have modded their cars to run on alternative fuel--some folks who don't know any better think that Richmond is supplying people with CF plates on the side illegally. :roll:

    One thing, though--the traffic in the DC area has become so horrific that people have stooped to desperate measures in order to beat the HOV system--mannequins, dolls, wig heads propped in baby seats, and others violate the law and simply accept the fines with a shrug because they have the $$ to pay them

    Then you have the private companies that want to come to VA and build HOT lanes...a whole other layer of controversy. :?

  14. plusaf

    plusaf plusaf

    Feb 15, 2004
    Raleigh, NC
    2004 Prius
    HOT lanes?
  15. Tempus

    Tempus Senior Member

    Feb 17, 2004
    Washington DC
    2004 Prius
    HOT - High Occupancy Toll

    For-Profit HOV Lanes
  16. daniel

    daniel Cat Lovers Against the Bomb

    Feb 25, 2004
    Spokane, WA
    2004 Prius
    Okay, folks, here's the Solution To Everything ™: Horses. Sure, we would not get there as fast, but we could produce all their fuel here at home (hay and oats) and they make good pets. They also produce the fertilizer needed to grow their fuel, so we would not need petro-chemical fertilizers.

    To facilitate and encourage this conversion, I propose that we eliminate the HOV lanes, and designate those lanes as horse lanes instead.
  17. Stilview

    Stilview New Member

    Feb 28, 2004
    Northern VA
    NoVa commuters' survival guide:

    - On perfect weather days, take motorcycle and HOV-1
    - All others, take the Prius and HOV-1

    Must admit...few things better than stealth mode while watching exhaust plumes and trying for 50 mpg/tank.
  18. T_S_Kimball

    T_S_Kimball Ambassador from Uru

    Mar 9, 2004
    Hoboken, NJ
    2007 Prius
    Plusaf: Just looked through your posted page, and then a quick look around the NJ-DMV site. NJ has not repealed HOV lanes, though they have time restrictions for when they are in force (eg. 3 hours in morning for TPK-N, evening for TPK-S).

    As for HOT, its partly a misnomer. The point was to have a lane that anyone could pay extra to use when it was needed (I understand they also have the degrading term 'Lexus Lanes' due to that). I'm a bit nervous about the concept, but only because I've not seen it firsthand.
  19. Chipsy

    Chipsy New Member

    Mar 10, 2004
    Northern Virginia
    I love horses :D

    The HOT lanes would be availiable for anyone who wants to pay. And the rates change according to congestion volume. Hence the "Lexus Lanes." I don't think it's a good idea, and I don't think it will improve congestion or emissions one bit. I also think it does create an ugly class distinction--those who have the $$ will get to work on time; those who don't will just have to deal with it.

    And it will kill the slug system--no more free rides.

    Anyway, I'm going to start doing Park 'n' Ride on Fridays--last week it took me two hours to get home because the volume was so freakin' awful. It is nice to get 50 mpg when you're stuck in those situations, though.


    BTW, I understand the Governator is converting one of his seven Hummers to run on natural gas. :roll:
  20. plusaf

    plusaf plusaf

    Feb 15, 2004
    Raleigh, NC
    2004 Prius
    thanks for the comment, T.S.K.... i needed to update that page, anyway...
    a google of "new jersey hov lanes" turned up some interesting stuff, though.......