So I'm looking to further mod my Prius and was wondering if anyone knows about 'lockpicking' a package 2. Specifically, is the MFD in the package 2 just a 'locked' version of the higher package MFD or is it different hardware? What exactly would lockpicking a package 2 accomplish? This is not readily apparent based on CoastalTech's website. Thanks for any advice!
I am also interested in this possibility. I haven't been able to locate any information on this as well. Anyone have any input? Thanks
I'm trying to unlock hidden functionality. It's often the cause that, in computing, the same hardware is used but one is 'underclocked' or functionality is disabled which can later be hacked to be re-enabled. I realize it's a pipe dream, but was hoping that there was a way to unlock added MFD functionality. Appreciate any help...
You can gain access to all features by pushing and holding the trip/park/radio power and emergency flasher while turning the power on and off 9 times. After cycling the power dont release any of the buttons. You will need to click and unclick the passenger seat belt and rear left seat belt 6 times. That should give you all the feature your looking for.
as far as i know there are no additional features. just getting something basic as the bluetooth feature requires a different mfd, from pictures ive seen the bluetooth module looks like a daughercard.. maybe you could get a video input going into the rear view but thats about it
lol - that was entertaining... Probably the only thing you can unlock would be a to have a video feed into the MFD as a DIY backup camera or onboard multi-cam CCTV etc.
i know i am going to die.. but where i live if i have a crash it is going to be under an 18 wheeler loaded with logs.. i don't think that 1/8 inch of nylon is going to make any difference. (unless it is just a strainer).. that and i am tired of buckling my textbooks into the passenger seat