I just read this article about a presentation to congress that shows $60 Plus dollar a barrel oil is right around the corner. If this has been posted or is in the wrong area please have the admins move it. The thing that really bothered me is that the news media did not follow this story. http://www.energybulletin.net/4733.html
OK, I'll bite... I get confused by comments like the above, because the news media (even the mainstream news media) covers the topic of oil and energy conservation literally every day! Oil prices are are followed akin to the Dow and Nasdaq; I hear conservation pleas and ideas from my energy company on radio and TV frequently; gas prices are often a lead story in local news! I feel that when I hear quotes like the above, people are really saying "and the news didn't go on to talk about the inevitable food shortage that will be caused by more expensive fertilizer production, and didn't discuss probable future wars caused by this oil shortage, and so on". (Sorry for putting words in your mouth. So I'll make a request: please clarify your comment above.) I believe these related ideas, though, are forecasts driven as much by politics as by science and reason, and are therefore best left out of any purported "non-biased" news source. So, what's the prevailing mood on this? I'm curious. Brad
Kinda off topic: an excellent site for pointers to energy developments with an emphasis on transort is http://www.greencarcongress.com/
What I ment by posting this and saying that I did not here about this in the national news or in my local rag. I read alot of my news online and my friends say " I never heard that or It can't be true." I feel like few care about the future. All day long I work on networks and servers planning for the future. When I look where we are going as the human race it is like we are running faster and faster not looking where we are going. We will run out of gas litteraly and hit a wall.. What will we do? I switched all my light bulbs in house to florecent bulbs where possible. Insulated and patched air leaks. Put in a automatic thermostat. And recycle where possible... And I am waiting for my Prius to arrive and be responsible so that when my kids ask me why they have to live at a lower standard I can I tried but so many others did not. Blue