Sometimes when I'm just sitting in my car, waiting etc, I have my windows down; but when I want to raise my windows, I have to start the entire car up. Is there a way to do this without having to start the entire car? Thanks.
No, nor can you with any other electric window car. But you have 45 seconds grace after turning car off to adjust the windows.
Hello, Yes, you can raise or lower your windows without putting your car in "Ready" mode (i.e. turning it on or starting it). This is pretty simple, all you have to do is insert your fob in the slot (if you don't have SKS) and press the "Power" button WITHOUT putting your foot on the brake. The first time you press the button, it will go into IG On, 2nd press will turn on the dash and MFD, 3rd press will turn on the Accessories, radio if it was on when the car was turned off, air, windows will now raise or lower, etc. Just make sure that you depress the button again to shut the system off when you are done as you can discharge your battery if you forget and leave things on for a long period. Think of it like an average or dino ignition. You insert the key and turn it one click to unlock the steering wheel, two clicks to turn on lights and radio and three clicks to start the car. There is also an ACC mode that just lets you run accessories without fear of starting the car. Same thing in the Prius. Again, though remember to shut the power off once you have completed your tasks as you could end up with a nasty surprise if you forget and wind up with a dead 12v battery. Hope this helps. Take care, Tisza
Ok, if you're not completely confused by the conflicts in the 3 posts above you're not reading carefully enough!!! Here is the correct information: YES you can go into a pre-"READY" mode (full start up) that will allow you to raise/lower the windows. There are 3 different modes the Prius can go into (4 if you count OFF) 1) No brake, 1 press of Power button = ACC mode...this allows you to listen to the radio and that's about it...minimal 12v battery drain. 2)No brake, 2nd press of power button = Ig-On mode. This allows you to turn on the air, raise/lower windows, headlights, just about all electrical functions without engaging the HV battery or starting the car. 3a) No brake, 3rd press---power off 3b)BRAKE ON, any press of the Power button = Ready mode...full on. Be sure not to leave the car in ACC or Ig-On mode as you can drain the 12v. I do believe there is an automatic shut down at 1 hour from those modes though.