At some point, waiting for a specific color/package combination brings one to question whether the car actually will come to my dealer as an 04 model or if it would be wiser to be the first to order an 05. It might be only a few months more. Some questions arise: what will be the price difference?; what additional features will be available?; what design changes will occur? Last year the 04 Prius was shown in April, if I remember correctly, so most of those types of questions would have been answerable in March by the right people in TMC. Does anyone have insight to answers this year?
There are not many solid answers right now. I do think it's fair to say that it's not going to be a big difference no matter what. It's possible the '05 will have XM available from the dealer. Maybe it'll have a 'luxury' model with leather/adjustable seats/16" wheels, but I'd imagine there'll be a pretty big premium to get those. I suppose it's possible there will be 1 or 2 other options added, but I wouldn't change my place on the waiting list yet. The base price will increase by $300. --evan
The base price already has changed by $300 so there's no telling as to how much the actual '05 release will garner. My guess is that it might be as bloated as $20,995. Who knows? As far as differences from my understanding of the current shortage it would SEEM likely that there may not be many if any alterations to the current model. Being so back logged would seem to prevent this. I think.
Which magazines gave the first reliable indications of the features in the 04 model last year? It might be time to start monitoring them.
as i posted earlier, and was corroborated, if you haven't ordered yet, you won't get an '04, you can only order an '05, according to my dealer and apparently, other sources. my dealer's sales rep said "small changes only" for 05 and that Toyota goes something like 3-6 years for each "generation" before major changes happen. i'd love to see power seats, maybe a sunroof, and bigger diameter wheels for even better handling..... and if the 06 Camry is a hybrid, the Prius will probably not go notchback at all, and the Camry will take that slot in the market. what i'm hoping for is Toyota to go completely hybrid in ALL models within about four years.... dang!, i've GOT to pick up some Toyota stock....
Alan, I saw your earlier post and agree with both your general prediction and your wish list, especially power (memory) seats since two of us will be driving regularly. I, too, am on a wait list for an 04 (white #9), but I'm considering a decision to pull the plug (!) on it and jump to the 05 since the model year is about half over. I'm simply looking for the earliest reliable word on what the 05s will be to facilitate the decision.
dang, i was tired when i wrote that other reply, and i left out ONE key piece of info (or hearsay) from the dealer's sales rep: '05s will be the only orders taken from that date on, and delivery will be in six months! :cussing: so that has to factor into your choice, too. if it's true... Diane? Anyone? any truth to that?
Six months for an '05? Sounds a bit optimistic to me. If my dealer (or any other) offered me an '05 for delivery in or around September, I'd jump on it. My dealer is telling prospective customers that the wait for a 2005 will range anywhere from 8-12 months while another in my area is saying at least a year for delivery, based on current capacity and the length of their wait lists.
yeah, tag, i understand what you're saying.... it sounded reasonable to me when he said it, though, because i figured that if current orders are running about 4 month delivery or so, the factory may be able to flush them out before they have to convert to '05 production. in the old days, that would happen in july-august for the (previous) Big Three, then the new year models would hit the showrooms in september. so the numbers sort of seemed reasonable to me. just hearsay, as i said, and we'll all be looking for more info, wherever and whenever...
My dealer says he now has a 5-month waiting list. he did not specify if that would be an '04 or an '05, but this would put it in August, so probably still an '04. My guess is whether you can still get an '04 would depend on allocations and waiting list at your dealer. Whether you'd want to get an '04 is another matter. As for the next major model revision, I'd like it to be a BEV. I'd trade in my '04 Prius for a Toyota (or Honda) BEV in 4 to 6 years.
[re: BEV] Me Three! I was guessing some sort of "electric vehicle". I didn't know either (and was curious), so I googled 'BEV, "Electric Vehicle"', and (got lotsa' hits) it seems to refer to "Battery Electric Vehicle". Toyota used to make a fully electric RAV-4, so it wouldn't be without precedent. I know that some of the EV people in this area (Sacramento) would like to see something hybrid with a range on electric only of maybe 75 miles, and an ICE that kicks in just for longer trips (like to Carson).
Damnit, now I feel really bad. My minivan just died and it is going to take $1100 to get it running again. I was hoping to magically find a spare prius somewhere. Now I am wondering if it would be worth paying the money to get the brakes working, and put an order in for a prius also. So eventually i can have a new car. Any other suggestions for a temporary in between car.
Take the $1,100 and offer a dealer to pay $1,000 over sticker for any car coming in soon. If you start calling around I'm sure you'll find a car within a week. It might piss off some of the waiters on this board, but it's a way to get the car when you're in a bind.
Apparently, this is the goal, at least before (eventually) crossing over to fuel cell-electric hybrids, then full fuel cells. Current expectations for Toyota to have all models available in hybrid form by I believe 2008-2010. -m.
right on, rflagg....... but for those looking for BEVs, please keep in mind that you WILL be pluging in every day and those amps will come from new power plants that will need to be built. do the math, check with the local sierra-club-equivalent, and see that that many plants won't be built. fuel cell technology will need a refueling infrastructure that's not going to be there for a decade or two. hybrids ARE the only rational solution for the medium-term, so buy the Prius (or Lexus this fall or Camry next fall) and just burn less petrochemicals while you wait for the HEV (Hydrogen-electric vehicle). ps... i finally bought some Toyota stock, and i'm glad!
If they give it a range of 350 miles (like the tzero, a smaller car, but we're talking 5 years from now and perhaps better battery technology) than I'd have to plug mine in roughly once every 20 days. If you drive the average 12,000 miles a year you'd have to plug in once every ten days. The problem would be long trips. They'll have to figure out something for that. I don't know if a 15-minute fast-charge is technologically feasible. I guess I'd like to see a gridable hybrid: ICE for long trips, grid recharger for normal use, and maybe 100 mile EV range. From what I've read, fuel cells are a dead-end. It would be much easier to run an ICE on hydrogen. Or a Stirling-cycle engine. A hydrogen-stirling/hybrid might be the way to go.
Discovery Science Channel had a recent snippet on tzero again. The company which makes it also retrofitted a Honda for switchable EV and HEV useage. So it may be possible. --TSK
Exactly. I enjoyed a Car Talk call a couple of years ago, where someone asked Tom and Ray whether he should wait for fuel cell technology cars to come out (instead of buying a hybrid car now). Ray asks the caller, "How old are you?" On being told, he says "Naaah... you'll be dead by then." (Followed by Tommy adding, "Well, maybe if you eat only yoghurt and granola from now on...")