I just purchased a FasTrak transponder from CostCo in Vacaville and went online to register it tonight. As I was reading the FAQ's to get more familiar with it, I read that a different application is required for hybrids. At first I assumed that this referred to hybrids that had the carpool lane stickers, but as I read onwards, that distinction was not clear as it just said 'hybrids' as though this applied to ALL hybrids, whether they had a sticker or not. So... my question is: I am not priviledged to have the special carpool stickers. Can I just use the transponder as is? Or do I have to fill out the special hybrid application. I intend to use this FasTrak transponder between my Prius and my non-hybrid Honda. Thanks in advance for any and all replies. I know someone on this site already posted a long and helpful explanation of EZ-pass and FasTrak at one time, but I have been unable to find it. My apologies if this question has already been asked and answered.
One more question... The preferred mounting position is behind the mirror, at least 2" from the top edge of the windshield. Although I'm not near my car right now, I thought this section on the Prius has the darkened windshield. Does that matter, or should the transponder be located on the alternate mounting position (2" from side and 2" from bottom of windshield)? And just to confirm (sorry for all the questions)... the velcro is placed on the windshield itself as shown in the picture?? I thought we were not allowed to put anything on the windshield in California... Thanks again in advance.
My guess is that you should just ignore the comments about hybrids. There is a special transponder for the carpool lane sticker cars, but they're obviously no longer available. As for where to mount the transponder, I keep mine in the console and take it out for each usage. It gets moved among different cars, including ones that don't have the stickers. I just wave the thing at the windshield, and pause for the "valid fasttrack" display at the tollbooth. My FastTrack came with a metalized bag to keep it in. Apparently there are times of day when there is no toll for a car with 2+ people in it. But if you are a solo driver (with sticker), then you pay the normal fee. So you need to bag the transponder when you meet the no-fee criteria, or else it would charge you. This is all rather fuzzy for me, as I've never crossed a bridge with that particular game in place. I think it's westbound San Mateo or Dumbarton bridges where this is of any consequence.
I'm sure the People's Collective of the Bay Area would like to know the comings and goings of someone from the People's Republic of Davis. You'd better call and find out. You may have carpool lane privileges, or bridge lane crossing privileges . . . or maybe they just want to know how many hybrids are doing the commute.
Regarding the question about where to mount the transponder, I put it behind the rear view mirror, attached to the black dots. We use a similar transponder system for Orange County toll roads.
I wanted mine to be as unobtrusive as possible so it's mounted directly on the black stuff right up against the edge of the glass and it transmits fine. I also concur with the above posters, since you don't have the HOV stickers there's nothing that needs to be special about your FasTrak transponder. Jeff
Actually, I have the stickers, and I think there's nothing special about the transponder I was given. I've been told (by the outfit that administers FasTrak) that it's OK to use my transponder in any of my cars. I use mine so seldom that I keep it in the upper glove box. When I'm going to cross a toll bridge (so far, about once a year) I put it into the little cubby by the little front window until I'm across. Then back into the little baggie and into the glove box it goes.
Heck, I've probably seen you on Poleline. I cross it several times per day, and see plenty of Prii! But you might not be looking for me in the proper vehicle! The Prius is parked in the garage. I ride my bikes everywhere. If you see a purple tandem with or without a kid on the back, that would be me.
My understanding of the difference is this. When you're crossing a bridge at commute time in the HOV lane if you have a Prius with HOV stickers transponder you will get charged the toll. If you have a regular transponder and go though the HOV lane you won't get charged. The "special" transponder assumes you're a solo driver w/stickers and thus should pay the toll, and if you aren't solo (and in a Prius) then you need to put it in the shielded bag when going through the toll plaza to save the money. The regular transponders assume cars going through the HOV toll gates have the required number of passengers and don't charge the account. If the above is correct then the input you got is also right, using the Prius transponder in another car won't cause a problem, except you may end up paying some tolls when you shouldn't have.
I bought one of the transponder packages at Costco, and then thought it would be nice to get a transponder for my wife's car. Well, I was able to request another one through their website. Much much easier than playing transponder tag. (Mind, I got my Prius about a week after the Merc said "please, stop sending in the applications, no more, no more", so there was no reason for me to try for a hybrid car transponder.)
I just want to say on a semi-unrelated note. I was just in New Jersey and had a chance to drive the GSParkway. I was delighted when I learned that my rental car had the EZ-Pass transponder. What astounded me was that there would be a huge number of lanes for EZ-pass and like 1 lane for cash!! It's been quite a number of years since I drove the GSP so I was very impressed that it seemed like everyone had converted over. But remembering how many toll 'opportunities' there are in NJ, I guess I shouldn't be surprised. What a PITA it was to stop every short distance or so and toss coins in the machine.. Darrell... if a blue prius honks at you, it will be me!