I have a gray prius, a red ragtop jeep and a black pickup all ordered from a dealer. Color by choice not by chance or availiblity. What does that say about personality? I pick the color I like on that vehicle.
I wanted the dark blue color but the dealer didn't have any. I ended up with the tan/bronze color that was close to the Camry that I used to own.
Oops! I guess I clash, because we have a Desert Sand Mica Sienna, A Desert Sand Mica Corolla, and a Driftwood Pearl Prius. We lusted after the Seaside Pearl but that's not what was being allocated at the time!
Silver Pine Mica ~ It reminds me of tall trees and the woods which are so peaceful ~ Green is a color of life and growth...not the kind of growth that comes from eating to much ice cream....although we like to do that too...lol... Silver Pine Mica is also refreshing... "quietly" different ... that is appealing. It felt like the best color for my insides..which was a sweet stretch and accomplishment personally, as previously have had vehicles that are more "RE/MAX" like...white or red.... Super Happy and LOVE my "baby" ...Congratulations to all Owners and Upcoming Owners. External color is a personal choice ...there is something for everyone... Just like the produce section of the grocery store..think of all the different and yummy fruits...there are apples, oranges, peaches,bananas and pears, just to name a few. If we all liked and ate just one type of fruit, or one color,we would miss out out on the variations and options life has to offer. Erin "+"
After many very hot summers in my dark gray Mitsubishi, I swore I'd never buy a dark car again. I've never had a white car before, so I went with SuperWhite. It's amazing at the difference a light car makes in how much less it heats up in the sun, and how much less time it takes to cool off. I'm a conservative practical sort, so that definately played into my selection - But bottom line - it always looks good, and I like it
I own and am a huge fan of the Barcelona Red color. I believe it is a sports-car-like reflection of how fast this car truly is! I will take on any mid-size sedan in a zero-to-ten mph race and leave them in my dust!
This is my first dark blue car, but I'm on my 3rd Yamaha blue motorcycle. Love the Spectra blue and gray interior. It does let me know when it's dusty, probably much quicker than a Silver car would, but that's fine, don't mind.
Same here. I thought it looked best in the Mag Gray and Spectra Blue, wound up w/ the gray (really would have liked either in Touring but...). We've had silver, dark blue, white, medium blue, gold and silvery/bronze cars, and we didn't like the Prius in white/silver/SPM...I guess you could say it fits my personality when I think the color fits the car... Greg
I chose white for purely practical reasons: I live in hell. Los Angeles is long on heat and short on shade. I often have dogs in the car and need to have it be as cool as possible (windows always cracked halfway and I try to find whatever shade is available, however far away). A friend showed me that white cars are noticeably cooler than any other color, so white it is! I'd love to live somewhere that is less-hot and I can pick a car color I actually like (Blue!).
What Toyota needs to do is borrow some color choices from Cooper. The mini has some good colors.. The Prius, not so much...
I wanted the red metallic it changes to different shades of red and I like the candy apple shade, the wife wanted dark grey metalic, but shes going through menapuse and everything is in the grey area. The day I went and ordered it with my $600.00 incentive check she did not want to go and stayed home in bed. Menapause really sucks !