PRIUS can be expressed in 4 Japanese characters which mean "Wind", "Utilize", "(The first word of) the Universe", and "Run", resulting in the full meaning of "Joined with winds, it runs across the Universe". And they are hand-written in Japanese traditional writing style by Daijiro Inada who is the leading creator in JDM aftermarket industry, as well as the founder of Japanese environmental NPO, OPTIONLAND. Anyone interested in designed T-shirt?
jdm-option, for those of us non-conversant/unfamiliar with Japanese, a picture/graphic sure would be helpful here.
That's real neato and stuff...but Prius means... To go before or to preceed or go before. All that fancy dancy earthy stuff is nice, but it is not at all related to the Prius or the word Prius though certainly has a little to do with some of the reasons are such strong advocates of the vehicle.
Here's the artist's or creator's take: JDM-Option DAI'S HANDWRITING PRIUS T-SHIRT In Japan, any foregin word can be translated in Japanese characters which are meaningful from those origins in the ancient China. Dai wrote down PRIUS in Japanese characters, which mean "Joined with winds, it runs across the Universe", and it's arranged in T-shirt with his signature "Dai". Dai is known as the forerunner of Japanese aftermarket tuning industry, but at the same time, he is the founder of Japanese environmental NPO, OPTIONLAND, which set up "Drivers' Shrine" for the safety driving and afforestatation project for recovering green from the damage by exhaust emissons. This is why Dai's Gear Selection carries AutoLabo Body Kit for PRIUS. And now, he created his own hand writing PRIUS T-Shirt in Japanese characters. Regular Price: $25.00 each for XXL, XL, L, M, S Click here for more information.
We don't use/understand/recognize/agree these four characters as Prius. Maybe, only the author Dai does. Anyway, Toyota China officially uses following three chinese characters. 普锐斯 TOYOTA - PRIUS Ken@Japan