I've got a Sigg 1L, but it's just ever so slightly too wide in diameter to fit all the way into the holder. The smaller sizes are just too small, and rattle around. Is there another brand or some other specific bottle (not plastic) that fits well into the cup holder?
Siggs are the biggest ripoff since bottled water. Not only are they WAY overpriced but are impossible to clean, even with most bottle brushes. Not to mention they are equally impossible to dry. I used to be a Nalgene guy until my wife made recycle them once the BPA scare hit. Now I just use plastic bicycle type bottles which fit perfectly in the Prius cup holder, are easy to clean and dry and are wicked cheap (often free if you don't mind a corporate logo.) If they get skanky, recycle it and get a new one. I'm not looking back. Cool factor notwithstanding, the old plastic bike bottle is perfect.
You might also try the wider of the cupholders. Of the front two cup holders, I believe that the one that flips out and is closer to the front of the car is a little wider than the one behind it. Finally, to stop bottles and cups from sliding around in the cupholders, you can consider getting those Non-Slip Pads from eBay: eBay Store - PadsPlus: Toyota Prius: Non Slip Console Pads for the Toyota Prius Or make your own from neoprene (the bottom of the traditional mouse pad; if you cut up a mouse pad, place and tape the cloth side down) or those grippy shelf liners.
Um, no -- where's the bottle holder? I have two Priuses, one for 3 years, and you say there's a bottle holder?!
It's part of the long door pocket. It's not a convenient location. Personally, I never use it for bottles.
Thanks for explaining Tom, yeah, that drawer is pretty low and small. Also thanks for the link to the Non-Slip Pads, they look really cool. I just ordered a set. As for the original question, I've tried my wife's .6L Sigg in the front cup holder, and that seems like the best option for now. The .75L is a bit tall, and as far as I can tell, a but skinny and therefore rattly in the cup holder. With a higher center of gravity, it can tumble more easliy, and the high profile may interfere with driving. Maybe I'll just put a cup in it.