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2004 Prius "hung up" on starting

Discussion in 'Gen 2 Prius Care, Maintenance and Troubleshooting' started by doonkhan, Mar 20, 2005.

  1. doonkhan

    doonkhan New Member

    Mar 20, 2005
    I had an odd problem with my 2004 Prius last night, and wondered if anyone here could give some insight.

    When I tried to start the vehicle, the electronics turned on, but the power switch was lit orange.

    I thought perhaps I'd tried to start it without my foot on the brake, so I pressed the power button again. It had no effect - the car stayed on, with the orange light on the power button. I was unable to shut the car off, or to start it properly. It was totally hung.

    The engine was not running, and the gear wouldn't shift out of Park. I noticed that there was no speed showing on the instrument cluster. (Instead of reading zero, it was dark. )

    I figured that restarting would probably fox the problem, but I couldn't find any way to power down or reset the Prius. (Based on my experience with computers, all I could think of was to do the equivalent pulling the power plug, but I wasn't sure what fuses to pull, and didn't want to mess with the main battery.)

    Naturally, it was late at night in a bad part of town.

    I called Toyota Roadside Assistance, who said all they could do was send a tow truck. The guy turned up forty minutes later, but this presented another challenge, since the car was parked in a cramped lot, and there seemed to be no way to move the car out to a position where the flatbed truck could get at it.

    The tow truck driver (who wasn't familiar with the Prius) tried playing with the controls, and eventually hit on a combination of keys that caused a reset. (It looked like he was holding the power key down while rapidly changing gears.) Once the car restarted, everything was fine.

    I'm not sure what caused the glitch. I'm in the habit of plugging in my iPod to the power supply when I start the car. (In future, I'll double check that everything has started normally before I plug in any accessories.) Is it possible this sent static to the computer at the wrong place in the power-up cycle.

    I'd be interested to know if anyone else has experienced similar problems?

    Also, for future reference, if the car "hangs" like this, is there an "official" combination of switches that will do a "reset" on the car, or did my tow truck guy just get lucky?

    Duncan McKenzie
    2004 Silver "B".
  2. efusco

    efusco Moderator Emeritus
    Staff Member

    Nov 26, 2003
    Nixa, MO
    2004 Prius
  3. doonkhan

    doonkhan New Member

    Mar 20, 2005
    Thanks for the input.

    The situation described in the "Known Issues" section is not what I experienced. For example, that post describes changing gears to Neutral, but I wasn't able to change gears out of Park. The green Park light was on. There were no warning messages of any kind, of the sort you might get when you change gears without holding the brake pedal down.

    Also, in my case, I tried the power button many times, both with and without the brake pedal pressed, and got no response at all.

  4. efusco

    efusco Moderator Emeritus
    Staff Member

    Nov 26, 2003
    Nixa, MO
    2004 Prius
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(doonkhan\";p=\"74013)</div>
    You very well may be right, I wasn't there and didn't get a chance to try things. But your described situation is so similar that I suspect it is the same as the known issues thing.

    Even though the Park button is lit, hitting it then Power should have remedied the situation. And I suspect that the tow guy did, accidently, just that to get it out of the 'stuck' mode.
  5. naterprius

    naterprius Senior Member

    Mar 15, 2004
    Other Non-Hybrid
    I had this happen to me as well. Dealer can find nothing wrong. The interesting thing is that the car won't turn off until you let go of the brake.

    I smell a TSB coming soon...

  6. xevious

    xevious New Member

    Jan 19, 2004
    Well, at least the multi-information display doesn't turn blue and perform a memory dump. ;)
  7. CHART

    CHART Member

    Dec 10, 2003
    Mount Airy Maryland, USA
    I had something similar happen once or twice in the 15 months I've had my Prius, but holding down the power button, probably for a good 15 seconds, powered the car down both times. I'm pretty sure that both times I was in a hurry and powered up the car and immediately put it in gear before power-up was complete, but I've never had it daignosed as each time the car restared immediately after I powered it down.
  8. Frank Hudon

    Frank Hudon Senior Member

    Jan 11, 2004
    just a question, is your car part of the brake light switch recall program and have you had that done? Reason I ask is it just might be the start of a "no contact" problem with the switch.
  9. doonkhan

    doonkhan New Member

    Mar 20, 2005
    Yes, my car was recalled for the brake light switch. I had it fixed about a month ago. I wondered last night if maybe there was a problem with the brake pedal (preventing me from leaving IG-ON mode), but the brake lights were both lighting just fine whenever I pressed the pedal.

    The power button suggestion is interesting, because the thing that eventually restarted my car did involve holding the power button down for several seconds. (I'll file that away for next time.)

    Where did you come up with this, Rick? Is it something that's documented? I'd be curious to know what holding the power down does? Is it designed to reset the computer, or does it just create an error that makes the system restart?
  10. DanMan32

    DanMan32 Senior Member

    Aug 27, 2004
    Tampa Bay, FL
    I am not understanding the difference between your problem and the problem described in the KB. I get that often enough. Remedy to get out of it, hit the power button WITHOUT the brake. Then power up normally. I have always gotten out if it that way. Holding power button several seconds while pressing the brake does not work.

    And I wish Toyota would investigate it. Happens so intermittently, that a dealer has no way to diagnose it. Bake switch could be the culprit, but mine is an 04 that did not qualify for the recall. Some suggest we are using too short of a dwell when pressing the power button. In other words, get in the habit of holding the power button .5 seconds when powering on to READY.
  11. doonkhan

    doonkhan New Member

    Mar 20, 2005
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(DanMan32\";p=\"74097)</div>
    Here's the difference. With the problem described in the KB, it is possible to change gears between N and P Changing the gear to P, then hitting the power button without the brake restarts the vehicle.

    In my case, the vehicle was already in P. No change of gears was possible. Pressing the power button, with or without the brake, had no effect at all. The gear and power controls were frozen.

    The problem is hard to replicate, but I was just comparing notes with an owner on the Canada-Prius mailing list who had experienced a similar problem. The thing we seemed to both had in common was that we were placing an extra drain on the power during the startup cycle. (In my case, I plugged in an accessory; in his case, he turned on the headlights.) His solution was to press and hold the power button until the vehicle powers off.
  12. paprius4030

    paprius4030 My first Prius

    Aug 12, 2004
    2012 Prius
    AH HA!!! Now i remember you hold the power button for 3 or so seconds is the"so called" emergency power down procedure, we talked about this a few weeks or????months ago for someother reason????
  13. DanMan32

    DanMan32 Senior Member

    Aug 27, 2004
    Tampa Bay, FL
    I was unable to power down by holding 3 or more seconds if I was holding the brake. Would power down normally if I didn't hold the brake.

    So it may be power load doing this. I think I heard the relays start to click once when it hung on me, but didn't fully go to ON. Then, I have been showing symptoms of less than ideal power from the aux battery, but I could be expecting too much.

    One thread mentioned that locking with SKS black button would not work when the coolant pump was running to store into the thermos. My SKS does work in this instance, but I did notice the motor slow down a bit during the SKS lock answerback. I wondered how SKS and the beeps could put such a drain, but then remembered the hazards are flashed too. Those are a drain.