With the recent high temperatures, I've found that dreaded plasticizer film showing up on the insides of the windows. As you know, this stuff is a nightmare to remove. So the question is, what have you found that's effective for cleaning the interior glass? Thanks, Shawn
Stoner's Invisible Glass is the best. I bought a case of it on the web (it costs much less per container when purchased by the case) and use it for both car and home windows. In 50 years of driving, I haven't found anything better.
i use an armor-all window wipe and then follow it up with a swiffer cloth to buff out any streaks. takes some elbow grease, but works so far. -r
:? Say What! I lived in Tucson for 4 years and never heard of Plasticizer film on the inside of car windows. What is this?
It's that nasty, hazy coating that gradually builds up on the interior of all the windows. When you go to clean it off, most "cleaners" just smear it around. While I can't say for sure what it is, most people think it is the resins that vaporize out of the plastics and settle on the windshield. It gets much worse in the heat. It is similar to the film that is caused by smoking (not the cause in our case). Thanks, Shawn
Whatever cleaner you use, I've found newspaper works quite well when trying to dry/clean windows. It works better than most cloth (aside from maybe microfiber, though I really haven't tried) and doesn't leave lint behind. Obviously, be careful to not touch the upholstery if you get newsprint on your hands.
Plasticizers are what keeps the vinyl parts in your car soft and pliable. Unforunately the plasticizer does not bond to the PVC molecules and it evaporates and condenses onto the glass causing 'fogging'. You know that "new car smell"? The good/bad news is that is plasticizer. When cars get older, the plasticizer is nearly gone and the vinyl can crack. Worse in the heat? Yes, because more evaporation occurs. Hope this helps. S5280ft
After a bit of trying this and that, I found that plain old isopropyl alcohol works great! Just pour a teaspoonful or so on the corner of a terry cotton cloth and wipe. Lightly polish with the remaining portion of the cloth and you're done. Doing the windows inside takes all of 5 minutes, and no streaks, no plasticizer, just clean windows. Best of all, isopropyl is about 50 cents a pint. Thanks for the suggestions though, Shawn
Appreciate the information on "Plasticizer" Learn something every day. I wonder if keeping the car in a garage would help this? I bought a new Explorer while in Tucson, had it for 4 years and did not experience this problem - But... I am retired so garaged the car except when out and about - not the same as driving to work every day and parking in the sin.
I bought some Stoner's Invisible Glass at Walmart and am not impressed with the result. Streaks all over the place even with using a new cloth and a lot of buffing. Will probably try a comparison between Stoners, Windex and plain ol alcohol. Now that my wife's 2000 Volvo S80 appraises for less than my Prius, I get to keep the Prius in the garage. Much less Plasticizer film builds up on the windows and the salt from the nearby ocean is much less. I'm really enjoying the garage and my wife isn't complaining too much yet.
Windex? Too expensive. I use a solution of 3TBS of ammonia, 1TBS white vinegar, and 3/4cup of water. Does the trick really well. Yeah, use newspapers for the polish. Luckily, our paper has smudge-proof ink, so I don't have to worry about it getting on my hands.... Jim Got my betrothal keychain; waiting on my car
"Magic Potion" for cleaning all glass and mirrors: 1 gal. distilled water 2 qts. alcohol 1/4 cup sudsy ammonia 1 tsp. Dawn dish detergent I was given this formula by a professional window washer. It works better than anything commercially available.
Just a note, my tinted windows (done at SE port) came with a sticker saying not to clean with any amonia.