This new law also takes effect Jan. 1 and makes it legal to place a GPS device in a 7-inch square on the lower corner of your front windshield on the passenger side. Current law prohibits anyone from driving with materials on windshields with exceptions for rearview mirrors, toll transponders and small stickers. But be warned: Police recommend you not leave the device in your car, as it's a ripe target for thieves.
. . . or in the lower 5-inch corner closest to the driver! Windshield GPS mounting legalized again in California - Engadget [this is why people need to provide links. Telling half the information is misinformation! ] The lower five-inch corner of a Prius will probably put the GPS out of reach for pushing buttons and making changes on the fly. Even if the law doesn't quite work for a Prius, it's still a good law. I have seen idiots mount their GPS smack dab in front of their face on the windscreen. :crazy:
i was to lazy didnt want to paste a link blame mr. roadshow on sj newspaper for not saying the drivers side, not me
As a Taxi Driver in Dublin a GPS is a useful tool but in a Prius as stated above can be an obstruction.I have a remote control for my device but since upgrading to new maps the remote is now useless so while the device is within armsreach [just about,leaning forward slightly]i'd prefer it to be further down the windscreen. As for the idiots who have them placed directly in front of them of which there are plenty both Taxi and Private,well that's just dangerous/stupid and should be treated as a serious motoring offence.
Use a beanbag mount on the dash within reach, then put the mount in the hatch & take the GPS when you leave your car. No indication left behind that the device existed.
ive been wanting to get a beanbag mount. do they sell them locally at stores? ive had my tomtom drop and hit the dashboard too many times to count, luckily nothing is broken yet. when i go to electronics stores i see lots of garmin stuff but little universal or tomtom mounts
OK, I must come clean. I have been known to suction cup my GPS on the wind screen smack dab in front of me. ON MY MOTORCYCLE! On unfamiliar twisty roads, a GPS is a godsend for helping motorcyclists anticipate what lies ahead.
Wow! I didn't know it was forbidden anywhere...they come with a windshield mount, standard. I got tired of looking through the circular windshield "witness" mark on my vehicles, so I got a Proclip with a custom mount and I am pleased with the look, effect and location in my Prius and my Sienna. BTW you can mount the suction cup on the console cupholder cover, and it works fine. You just can't drink coffee and navigate at the same time.
I think it is dangerous to place anything on the dash that blocks ANY portion of the windshield. It should either be placed below the line of the dash (like build-in GPS devices), or it should be placed up where the sun visor is. Under no circumstances, should ANYTHING block the bottom-half of the windshield ! I hope AAA fights this one! ("Officer, I swear I didn't see the pedestrian - my GPS device was in the way.") (FYI: I have my GPS device mounted on my center consul, just below my radio )