Can someone explain to me the reasoning of a Prius owner who slaps a "Drill Baby Drill" bumper sticker on the back of his or her car?
Sounds good to me.. we need all the help that we can get. I LOVE my 2 day old prius, but 4.00 gas cannot be in here for the long haul. We MUST get rid of our need, or at least limit, our need on foreign oil. I would put one on the back of my "silver bullet".
Perhaps he/she would like to keep some of that 750 Billion we send to hostile nations(that would like to kill us) here at home. Perhaps he/she would like to create thousands of new American jobs drilling and refining our own sources of oil. Perhaps for national defense, security reasons. I do not know. Makes sense to me!
The EIA projects that ANWR drilling would lower US gasoline prices by 1 cent/gallon, starting in 2018: Drivers (of any car) with this bumper sticker are either not aware, or they believe that the EIA analysis is inaccurate. After all, EIA has been wrong about lots of things before. My impression is that one cannot judge a person's politics based on driving Prius. Bought the car because they liked something about it.
Perhaps "Drill" is a metaphor for "create viable and mass-produced methods of generating and distributing renewable forms of energy such as wind, solar, and hydro to not only reduce our dependency on foreign oil but eliminate it all together while at the same time lowering the consumption of fossil fuels and perhaps undoing the pollution we've pumped into our children's environment in the form of fine particulates and hydrocarbon chains that weaken our atmosphere and endanger life on this planet." (just a thought)
This is something that i am slowly realizing... Prior to being on this fourm, and becoming a prius owner, i thought prius owners were "just a bunch of tree huggers". But after much debate and further investigation, i realized that couldn't be farther from the truth. I think that reguardless of environmental or political view, saving $$$ on gas is a core problem for everyone. I have only driven mine for 3 days now... and i already cannot see myself ever driving anything else. To think about getting anything less than 30-40 mpg in a car seems ridiculous to me at this point. ( just traded my 05 accord, got 30mpg on the 80% hwy drive i do) But that just isn't good enough at this point in time!! I know folks that wouldn't think of getting rid of a mid sized car that gets 30mpg.... and i used to think the same way.. but all that has changed. Like i keep telling all of the folks i know. If we all drove a prius, what in the world would the oil companies do. I mean, there would be alot of folk that wouldn't have to fill up but once a month or so. That would really dig deep into the pockets of the "big oil"
I, at least, am at the point where I would like them to drill everywhere they can. Simply so people will then see that all this extra drilling isn't going to resolve the issue. That is when we will see the true rush to energy efficient cars
It's incomplete short-term reasoning; similar to that of a fat man who feels his belt getting tight and so drills a new hole in the belt. Of course it takes ten years to drill the hole, and he's almost run out of belt... Zythryn is probably right. We may just need to make our mistakes as quickly as possible, the sooner to feel the pain, wise up, and start working on real solutions.
I have a Bush/Cheney '08 bumper sticker that I've been wanting to put on my Prius. But the wife wouldn't let me out of fear for her own safety. You think maybe she'll go with "Drill baby, drill" instead?