Not sure if all of you remember AllAdvantage and others, but you used to be able to make good money simply keeping your computer on and surfing the internet. In college this paid many of my bills. If you run the program for 24 hrs/day @ $.75 / hr = $18 / day = $540. Not bad for doing nothing. Be sure you sign up with a real email address that is not ffull, but not your main address, because you never know with spam and these places. A valid email addy is neccessary, though. Well, it's back in the form of SurfJunky and very easy to use with Firefox. Here's the link to sign up: From i-hacked: This site uses a Framed Browser window to pop-up ads every 30 seconds it will pop that window up and show you an ad. You click off the window and continue surfing... Using a cool hack in Firefox, we can keep this window in a tab and keep it from “popping up†yet continue racking up the $$$$… Here is how! SurfJunky doesn't like Firefox, so we have to change the UserAgent within Firefox so that it looks like you are using IE. Just install this extension: and change your UserAgent when you are in the SurfJunky website: [Broken External Image]: After you sign up at SurfJunky , you will be presented with a link: “Click here to start the Surf Junky browser†Click on this link with your Scroll wheel, or hold down CTRL when you click on the link to open it in a new tab. Now, HOW TO MAKE IT NON INTRUSIVE: Using firefox. In firefox go to Edit/Preferences/Web Features Click the Advanced button beside Enable JavaScript uncheck: Move or resize existing… Raise or lower windows Other things to remember: Only run this in ONE TAB! Users have been reporting that their money goes DOWN when running it in multiple browsers/tabs/computers! Also it appears as though they sometimes run ads that don’t resolve. This puts the program on “hold†if you are not watching the computer… You need something to hit “Reload†for you. Well, luckily for us their is a plugin called ReloadEvery ( ). Install this plugin and have it reload the page every 5-10 mins. That way you can just leave this computer to making you the big $$$ Thanks to i-hacked for this great info: Your PriusChat referral:
This is just too easy - follow this link, use the wrapper you can download, and just let it run! Don't forget to sign up using this link: