Hello everybody..I've been a lurker for a month now, and first I have to say with a combination of the manuals and this awesome site, I've had every question answered about this beautiful vehicle (though at times the car does make me feel as if I'm a techno-phobe). OK, so here is my problem: I just got the NOkia 6230 (Cingular), and it works really well with the bluetooth, EXCEPT, as soon as I hit "Transfer Phone Data" the phone disconnects and as soon as I hit "back" to the previous screen on the MFD, it reconnects just as quickly as it disconnected. Anybody else have come across this issue or know of a cure? It's not the end of the world, since I figured out how to set the one touch buttons with/ the call log...but it's bothering me that I can't even get past the transfer phone data. I have looked up instructions via Lexus, and they don't seem to have a problem like that with the Nookies they've tried (which, admittely, were not the 6230). Any help/ideas would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!!
ahh, I've figured it out. When it disconnects, I go into contacts and transfer business card via bluetooth, it will "look for a bluetooth device" and then confirm I want it go connect w/ the car, then it uploads..yay! I have to do this repeatedly w/ each contact, but as long as it works, I'm happy. Hope this helps anybody else w/ Nokia phonebook problems in the future!
Hi PandaPrius, you beat me to it by answering your own question. I have exactly the same phone and yes, you are correct. It is a PITA, but it does work one by one with a disconnect, reselect and connect between each, just as you describe. I decided that I would only transfer the important numbers, but even so, it took almost an hour, sitting in the car, listening to CDs and transferring numbers. A little tip. I got a 12v (cigar) charging pack, inserted it into the 12v outlet in the centre console. You plug the phone in and it fits neatly into the small slot at the front (inside) of the centre console and works without any loss of signal. You just have to remember to take your fully charged phone with you when you get out!!
Hi Stocky, thanks for the tip! I tend to forget the phone at times, so having it in the center consol is good, since it keeps it out of site until I run back for it 10 minutes later heh heh. Thanks again!
The solution I used, by accident, was download my contacts to an Erikson 910 (my wife's) and use that to transfer the phone book in one shot. Not until a couple of months later did I discover how demented Nokia's phonebook transfer implementation is. Surpassed only by Toyota in making it impossible to enter phone numbers into the phone book through the dash. Other than that, I love my 6230. I should mention some of the features of this model: appointments synched with Outlook, MP3 player, plays and records video clips, FM stereo receiver, digital camera, internet browser, email, etc etc etc.... Robert
Powerbook & Bluetooth (was:Nokia 6230 Bluetooth phoneboo I just bought this same phone, explicitly for the bluetooth feature, and specifically to interact with my new Prius. Frankly, Nokia's failure to handle this in something appraoching a sane way really pisses me off. My phone book is ~200 entries, and changes with some fluidity, which will force me to manually conduct the updates, comparing the lists if I want to make sure (though I likely will never have the patience to actually do this). I work with computers, so I've spent the last hour or so putzing with my Bluetooth-enabled Powerbook (OS 10.4), trying to get it to pair with the Prius so that I can transfer my address book from here. I've not been able to get any information on how to make my chipset spoof a mobile phone device. The basic problem right now that I'm running into is that each devcie wants to be the passcode provider, and not the recipient, and there seems to be no getting around it. Has anyone had any luck with this - getting a Mac with Bluetooth talking to your car? My Nokia 6230 isn't even a day old yet (off eBay, unlocked, no returns), so I can't just chuck it, and I figure a computing platform will give me the tools I need to at least have a chance with this problem. I hope this can be fixed with a 6230 firmware upgrade.
I have been successful with my Compaq laptop and I think you can do it with your Mac too. (I have had a few Macs also.) You won't need to spoof anything if the Mac can see the Prius as a BLUETOOTH HANDS FREE device. If the Mac 'sees' the Prius, you can send phone contacts while the Prius is expecting them to be coming from the phone. Think of it as exploiting a security flaw. It is important that the phone is present and successfully connected with the Prius Bluetooth system. Also, when you originally paired the phone with the Prius, it needed to be done with the BLUETOOTH HANDS FREE option.
Panda, Thanks for your info. I took it one step further. If you choose a contact then use the "options" -> "Mark/UnMark" -> "MarkAll" all the contacts will be chosen. THEN if you do the procedure you outlined above, ALL the contacts will be converted to business card format and sent to the cars phonebook at once. Thanks again.