I just ordered a scanguage and should be receiveing it this weekend . As the new owner of such a informative instrument, what parameters, if any should I program into the guage and monitor. In other words, is the stock setup ok or do I need to add some guages. AF1PRIUS
Congrats on your purchase. You'll forever thank yourself. It seems like most folks getting started with the SG start with RPMs, IGN, Coolant temp, and... ? its up to you, I use daily MPGs as I use MPGs at certain landmarks to gauge my accomplishment during my commute. (I leave the MPG figure on the MFD to accumulate "lifetime MPG." currently showing 50.3 over 12k miles.) As you get more sophisticated, you might use throttle position and/or HV battery draw -- the latter is an XGauge you have to program. There is just tons of ScanGauge related stuff here on PriusChat. Use the search function -- in the blue bar at the top of the page, off to the right -- using "Scan Gauge" or "ScanGauge" for the search term. Then settle in for some serious education, there are lots and lots of threads, -- OMG, here's another! --and opinions to consider.
Thanks for the reply. I am sure that with the input I receive from fellow scanguage owners, I will improve my MPG and "Hypermiling" to the max. I will take your suggestions and look through the different posts to educate myself on the guage. AF1PRIUS
Some of the best Prius stuff available on the Scangauge requires you to set up user-configured parameters (XGauge). These are picky and tedious to enter, and finding the codes "out there" can be trouble. I suggest you check the cleanmpg forums. I've got several I like to look at, but on the Prius I think traction battery current is the one that was highly interesting, helped me understand some things about how the system works, and actually allows me to operate the car better. Just to give one example: with all the claims of how little brake wear some careful drivers see on their Prius, it was a real eye opener to see from the battery current display how easy it is to brake harder than the regeneration maximum at higher speeds. This display also really helped me better to understand what B mode on the shift selection really does, and thus when to use it (seldom, but not never, unless you drive in really flat country).
Battery current is essential, and I just managed to work up one for fuel injector time. I'll let you go find it over on CleanMPG as an exercise [I also dropped a pointer here]. . _H*
All I can say is WOW! What a wealth of information on the scanguage. Thanks for the information. Not being a programmer:nerd:, is it hard to enter in a new Xguage into scanguage? Hope not. I look forward to monitoring how my Prius functions internally and how I can maximize my FE. Thanks for all the help. AF1PRIUS
I too will have one next week. Thanks jimsoh for the link to the database. I'm very interested in learning about electric use and regeneration. So geeky, but hey that's why lots of us drive this car.
Got my guage on Friday. Thanks Prius Shop! Now all I have to do is figue out what is what and start monitoring. There is a lot of information that can be used by Prius owners to take advantage of the "hypermiling" experience. I just need to figure out which ones. AF1PRIUS
Mine came Saturday and by Sunday had my Bta Xgauge programed and working. Thanks all for the pointers and links to great info... Made the wifey drive while I checked out all the cool features. For those of you still thinking about this - I recommend you get one soon!