I posted last fall about an annual event here in Lacy the Alternative Fuel Fair. It is a go again this year. May 7th in Lacy. It includes a home built electric car race with entries by high schools, and area colleges. Electric cars, Hybrids, Bio Diesel and all manor of eco friendly folks getting together, eating, music and the usual hop knobbing with our fellow wizards of the eco persuasion. I proposed a meeting and line up of our cars we can answer questions, and spread the gospel! What say you? The people sponsoring this are interested in our being there! :mrgreen:
I've marked the calender and will definitely be there, like I said unless someone in the immediate family dies.
Well I have a confession. I told my wife about the fair and she reminded me that is the weekend my son graduates from College. As you may be aware he goes to school in Helena MT at Carroll College. I will still organize the meet but I will not be there. After 4 years I am still not used to his school year starting so early and ending so early. He is actually done with classes in April. Finals week the first week of May then Graduation.
Ok you have to take it upon yourself to get ahold of the college and get them to bump it up a week! most of the people there could use an extra week to cram for exams. Anyhow I'd still like to go to the fair. I think it will be an interesting show. Sorry it's a conflict for you
Across the street, behind Venture Bank where they were doing the Farmers Market last summer. There is a small park in front of the office park, the name of which escapes me.
ah ok... so just down from the dept of Licensing then... ok no prob... i know the place. that is the same place where they were doing model airplane events last summer
I have no idea where any of that is, but I've marked it in my callendar. I will probably be working that day (no surprise....), but if not then I intend to be there. Maybe I'll steel Dave's Prius so that I don't have to shame myself by showing up in my Blazer...... :lol: :mrgreen: j/k!!!
hmmm steal my Prius?? i was gonna ride over on my bike since its only a few miles away and the weather should be ok if not raining... might have to stash the car first though....
I have good "Prius Sences", you can't hide your car from me.... bwa-hahahahaha! Maybe I'll attach a little homing-beacon to it while you're busy racing your 'Stang.......... :mrgreen: Oh wait, I could make off with your car right then! Yes, you'll be too busy to notice... hahahahaha! *plots*
I am going to call the organizer on Monday. I don't know about you’ll but I am finalizing the May schedule!! As I posted I have be at my son's graduation that weekend ( thank god!!! arty: artytime: :clap: :clap: :multi: :multi: artytime: arty: ) They will both be out of school. I will do what I can to set this up but it is a fun event and Prius owners who know about the car would be an asset.
Sounds great to me. I'm new here (just about to get my Prius next week, in fact). I'd love to be there and show off my new toy! :lol:
I left a message for the Organizer at Lacy Parks. I hope to hear back from her this week. Will keep everyone posted.
I have a link coming to my at home email as soon as I get it to work. I added digital cable TV and my wife says she can't get on line. I will fool with it tonight and post the link. If there are enough of us they may want the "club" to help with the race as spotters, flagers and I don't know what all. At this time they are most interested in the number of parking spots we will need so it is time to get serious about this. Get your calenders out.
We need to start a list as the organizers want to know how many parking spots we will need. Second shall we register as a group or individuals? Here is the web site: www.ci.lacey.wa.us/events/events_main_page.html They also want to know if we want to help with the race? I would guess many are setting up May calendars by now. Let us start a discussion and reach a consensus.
frank when the "not found" page loads, just remove the stuff on the end of the url till you have .html at the end or better yet, try this one http://www.ci.lacey.wa.us/events/events_main_page.html
We should do a nose count so I can give it to the folks at Lacy Parks. I have Frank and Dave as Yeses. Anyone else? I will be in Helena watching my son graduate! Saddly I am driving the Beast (Explorer) out there as I am taking an old TV and some other stuff and it won't fit in the Prius. Bummer.