On my way in work this morning I got rear ended. I was at a stop light and there was a Silverado Pickup behind me who was also stopped both for at least 30 seconds or more. A lady that wasn't paying attention rear ended into the Silverado that was behind me at about 30 miles per hour and the P/U truck chain reacted into me. I have a headache and a slight shoulder strain but no back or neck pain. Here is a picture of my bumper. It looks like it did what it is supposed to do and absorb most of that energy, even though the cover ended up cracked. Also forgot to say that the lady ran into the truck so hard that her vehicle got attached to his.
I'm sorry to read of your accident earlier today. My hope is that you'll find quick relief to your headache and shoulder pain and that no other physical ailments develop from the accident. Let us know how your repair costs work out. I suspect fault in this accident should be clear. Any word from insurance agents, yet? Take care!
Glad that you weren't seriously hurt. How did the other drivers fair? Looks like the Prius held up pretty well with that type of force.
The guy in the Silverado said he felt ok but could already feel quite a bit of soreness in his back and neck. The lady in the Buick that hit the Silverado seemed alright as she got out of the car and was walking around, she was also extremely jittery I imagine that was from the adrenaline. She seemed much more concerned that she spilled her coffee in the car then any injuries. I'm going to stop on my way home from work to get the estimate. The officer already determined it to be her fault and that her insurance will have to fix both of our vehicles.
Oh, you poor thing! Be sure to get your neck/back/shoulder checked out, and don't rush to accept a settlement.
Good thing you had the Silveradoo for an extra bumper. If it would have been just you and the out of control driver, it could have been way different. Bumpers are easy to repair, if that's all the damage there is.
Possibility that the absorber underneath has also been damaged, your shop will be able to determine that once the rear bumper cover has been removed. I was recently rear ended (my car was stationary at a stop sign). The other party questioned fault. When I spoke to her insurance company's adjuster, I mentioned that I had an imprint of her license plate on my rear bumper cover. You could actually make out the numbers and letters. He accepted liability on the spot. Even without that kind of smoking gun rear-end accidents are pretty much open and shut cases.