OK, I just had my very 1st oil change on the Prius, I had a free oil change coupon and decided to have th dealer do this. I still want to learn to do it myself, but am waiting till I can get someone to show me how. I read all about the overfilling problem that happens at the dealers, filling it up past the full line on the dipstick and all that stuff, and I went equiped on Saturday, with my own oil to have them put in. I bought the Mobil 1 sythetic oil, 4 quarts, and brought it to them, I was very specific and the guy wrote in green marker on the order sheet, ONLY 3 1/2 Quarts of owners oil to be put in. Owner wants left over 1/2 quart back. NO WASH and I got them to put the tires up to 42/40 after some arguing. They tried to tell me the tire sensor light would stay on and that they could not do it. But they did it for me anyway. When they told me my car was done, I went out to my car to look at the quart bottle left over to see if they put in exactly how much I told them, 3 1/2 quarts only.. WEll, they DID NOT listen to me, they put in almost 4 quarts of oil as there was about 1/4 of a quart left in the last bottle. I was pissed. I went right back into the service area and told the guy, I told them only 3 1/2 quarts and no more was to be put in. He apologized and called in the tech guy and he comes out wanting to know what was wrong. I told him, I said only 3 1/2 quarts and you put 1/4 too much in. He said, he knows he saw that on the order but then the oil was not coming up full like it should be, I told him, I did NOT want the level on the dipstick to reach the full point, I want it just under the full point. I told them to please pull out the 1/4 extra they put in the car. They did, they took the car back and pulled out that little bit extra and apologized again. Will I have to go through this everytime, or is the better way to handle this is to pour our half a quart into another container and store that in my garage and only go to them with 3 1/2 quarts and then tell them, I know it will not show completely full, but to leave it alone and not top it off with their own oil?? I really wish I could get someone to show me how to do my own oil change. I feel more comfortable watching and seeing first hand than just looking at the diagrams in the book or on the website. But, overall, I think as a woman, I did an OK job with them, making sure they did what I asked and when they messed up made them correct it.
Hi Michelle, You did good. In the future it would probably be easier to give the dealer 3 quarts of oil to use. Then when you get home, use a funnel to add the remaining 0.5 qt.
I am about 600 miles or less away from my first oil change. My husband has been nagging me about getting an oil change since the odometer hit 3000 miles. I told him, " No I don't need to change oil until 5000 miles. It says so in the manual" Of course he didn't believe me until I got out the book and showed him. He brought up oil change again the other day, and I told him I was going to change it myself (never done it on any vehicle), and of course his response was "Oh no your'e not! You're not going to screw that car up by having the oil filter or oil plug fall off and having all the oil drain out." Has lots of confidence in my abilities, doesn't he? So I'm debating if I should just do it myself when he's not home, or take it to the dealer and bring them 3 1/2 quarts of oil. And you did good on making them do it your way. Connie :thumb:
HI Connie, You sound like me,, I just wanted to get under there and do it myself,, but since I did not have any of those ramps yet to put the car up on, I just brought it to the dealer. I would actually bring 3 full quarts and take one quart at home and open it up and put half of it in another good secure container, and then take just the 3 1/2 quarts to the dealer, then they cannot overfill it, unless they use some of their own oil from their spouts. But you will have to be very specific with them and explicitely tell them NOT to add anything else to it and you know it will show up as not completely full and that is OK with you. If you husband can change oil could he show you how.. My husband can, but on the old regular cars, he has never been under a Prius, so I don't want him messing up anything either I just wish someone lived close to me that could show me
Hi Michelle, Sounds like your DH is competent to change the engine oil and filter on other vehicles, so there should be no problem having him show you how to do the same on Prius. Just make sure the car is IG-OFF (not READY or IG-ON) before you start, to avoid problems. Regarding the use of ramps, note that the front of the car is pretty low so you will need relatively low-rise ramps. The Prius oil filter requires a cap wrench that fits on the end of the filter for removal. I suggest you buy the correct filter, then shop for a cap wrench that will fit on the filter. Note that the instructions printed on the Toyota-brand filter suggest 3/4 turn after the gasket touches the oil filter flange. I have found that 1/2 turn is sufficient and makes it easier to remove the old filter. Before installation, I suggest filling the filter 3/4 full with new engine oil, so that the engine oil pump doesn't have to spend a few seconds doing this, during which time your engine is not being lubricated. It is recommended that the fiber gasket on the oil drain plug should be replaced each time the drain plug is removed. Tightening torque on the drain plug is 28 ft.-lb.
I'm sure he could change the oil if he wanted to, or show me how. He used to change the oil on our vehicles, but that was many years ago. I think he decided it was much easier to take it to someone else to do. And I doubt if he will be too receptive to going back to home oil changes. I will probably take it to the dealer with 3 1/2 quarts and check the oil level before I leave to make sure they didn't add any extra.
I have to say Patrick that i enjoy reading all the replies/advice you give to people on PC,unlike some replies that are only short of berating the OP for asking....because they shouldn't be so stupid for asking in the first place!! Well done you!!:yo:
I think that I have finally gotten the attention of one of the service writers at the dealer we use. He knows that I am particular about things like an oil change. Attached is a scan of part of the last service ticket. Note the part that is highlighted. All I said is please do not overfill, he added the rest. I will probably go back to doing my own oil changes when I run out of the "free" ones.
Michelle, Good for you for taking them to task for not following instructions. I am glad to hear that they at least listened to you and appear to have been thinking (perhaps not correctly, but trying.) The tech seems to have been instructed in the past (or assumed) that fills should be on the full mark so he probably considered what he did very conscientious. He's at least not dumping it all in and not checking. I'll bet you made an impression and that they will be less inclined to do their own thing next time you are in. This is one of those things that Toyota is screwing up and the dealers are not catching. A sharp dealer's service dept. should be asking, "Why are we over the dipstick 'full' indicator when we follow Toyota's fill quantities?" The next step would be for them to tell their techs how to avoid that. They've got most customers trained to expect slap full/overfull on the stick now...so some will likely throw a fit if it comes back from the dealer anywhere below the full mark. ("They cheated me out of a *full* oil change, I didn't get all the oil I paid for.") There is no way they will make us all happy. p.s. I also found it useful that you've provided another indication that Toyota's recommended 3.9 qt "capacity" is too much since ~3.75 put you on "full."
I definitely agree with this! All of Patrick's posts that I have read have been courteous, professional and knowledgable. He's a great asset to the forums!
Yes Me too!! Patrick you are great!!!!!! Thank you so much for all this info.. I am a newbie when it comes to car maintenance, I have no idea how to do any of this, I can put washer fluid in and change my wiper blades but that is about it!!, OH, I can check the oil level with the dipstick, but aside from those 3 things, I have no idea what I am doing with cars..
Thanks to halpos4, Connie, and Michelle! Many long-time Prius owners were kind and answered my questions when I was a new owner, so I am glad to pay forward the kindness.
I had my first oil change yesterday. I had it done at the dealer. I brought them 3 1/2 quarts of oil and told them that was all I wanted put in. No argument from the service writer. The guy who was going to do the oil change was standing nearby though, so the service writer asked him how much oil the Prius takes. He said 4 quarts. So that's what they would have put in if I hadn't brought my own oil and specified no more than that. But the oil change guy said 3 1/2 quarts would be okay, I'd still be in the range between the dimples. I also told them I wanted my tires set at 42 in front and 40 in rear. No argument again. He wrote it on the sheet. And they followed my instructions exactly. Only put in the oil I brought, and my tire pressure was where I wanted it. And I was in and out in a half hour. So, a totally painless experience! They actually had a new Prius on the lot that was for sale too. I saw my saleslady while I was waiting and she said they had gotten one in the week before and it sold the same day it came in.
Thanks for posting. This is one of the things I suspected would be an issue when I saw Toyota's "capacity" listing of 3.9. I figured it was a good bet that many techs would round it up to 4 and put in that much. Since 3.9 is already too much, 4 just makes it worse.
Michelle Do you have wiener dog stickers on the back of your car? I may have seen you in the drive-up line at my bank. Rod
Here is a writeup I did a while back on how easy it is to change the oil. Maybe it will help if you want to do it yourself eventually. http://priuschat.com/forums/knowled...39094-how-change-oil-your-prius-pictures.html
The one thing that should be added to oil change write ups in my opinion is to use a torque wrench when tightening the drain plug to get a proper seal with the gasket. Burly types will be less inclined to overtighten and strip the threads this way (which will result in an annoying dripping leak until you replace the plug.) According to Patrick's post when I asked, and the Toyota oil change pdf (LU-1), the proper setting is 28 ft.-lb. The advantage of the torque wrench is in knowing you will get a proper crush of the gasket.
Thanks for the link. Pictures are always very helpful!! Now I just have to convince my husband that we can change the oil ourselves. That will be a hard sell I think.
Anybody can do it as long as you have common sense. The most important things to do is to make sure your oil filter and drain bolt are tight afterwards and to not overfill it. Another good tip is to check the dipstick level later that day or the next to double check any possible surprises.