I saw this link on another site and I couldn't believe what I saw. As a change of pace from the pics of well kept Priuses, I'm going to post it here too. I think this is especially shocking to a group like us because most of us Prius drivers detest things like fast food, waste, filth, cigarettes, etc. Warning -- the pics are disgusting!! How can anyone live like this? (pics) Here's a teaser pic:
Every once in a while the medics bring in patients who live in places like that...around here there are homes often with multiple pets, some times they die in the house and aren't removed, many 'do their business' on the floor and have litter boxes that are never cleaned. There's a whole other world out there that many of us are very sheltered from most of the time.
Given the number of cigarette butts (and an apparent burn on the couch?), it's a wonder the whole place didn't burn down. It is a sad situation when someone lives like that.
Whomever lived in that apartment needs serious counseling, probably both psychiatric and medical. I feel very sorry for them.
You should watch How Clean is Your House on BBC America sometime. Interesting show. They visit the homes of people like this and send in a crew to clean the house. They put a humorous spin on it but it can be truly disturbing as well.
I think this is actually related to OCD - Compulsive Hoarding I saw a woman with a small hatchback car a couple of years ago that was almost as bad as that apartment. I was getting gas and she was getting gas nearby. She had papers and boxes including but not limited to pizza boxes and old food containers which literally filled the entire volume of her car with the exception of the drivers seat. When she came back to her car after paying for the gas, she had to clear the drivers seat from the debris which had fallen over from the passenger side. I wonder if more women than men get this disorder? It seems like it is predominantly women who make the news for hoarding and cat collecting.
Yup, those pics are disgusting, alright. Yech. I remember the first 'apartment' I had, sharing a partially converted basement. The kitchen was tiny and rather smelly, and the first time I used the stove I found out why. I pulled up the top to find a several-inches-thick layer of mouse poop. I'd never used a respirator for housecleaning before.
If the pictures are legitimate, and if someone actually lives there, she's obviously mentally ill. Mental illness takes many forms, and this is one of them. It is indeed sad. Sometimes the illness that makes a person live like that also prevents them from accepting help. Sometimes there is no help available due to lack of public funds for mental health. Sometimes the available public institutions are themselves worse than the illness. Sometimes the person just does not know where to go for help, or is afraid to ask for help. The person may have been living a "normal" life and gradually slipped into illness, or she may have had a caregiver who died and left her on her own, unable to cope with the ordinary tasks of every-day life.
We did foster care a few years back and one of the kids we had, her parents lived like this. The dad was schizophrenic and mom close to retardation, both mentally ill. The girl was border line retarded.
When I was in college, there was a Nissan Pathfinder that was packed full of junk, tons of papers. The driver only had room for themselves in the drivers seat. I wish I had taken a picture of it. I bet they were getting some bad mpgs with all that extra weight.
I have cleaned up a place that was this bad or worse. Our business is in an area where newer commercial buildings and older houses exist together. Several years ago we bought the house next to our business. It had been lived in for many years by a lady that was not too bright (nice way to say it). She actually died in the house. About a year later we bought the house from the land-lord without ever actually have been inside, we had been trying to buy the property for several years to have more control over the next door property. I knew it would be bad, but there there was no way imagine how really bad it was. The attached pictures will show that. Twice a year we get free land-fill weekends. We took advantage of one of those weekends to clean out the house. We worked all day both Saturday and Sunday. We had three full size pickups and made four trips with each truck to the land-fill. One of the trucks had high sideboards so it carried about twice as much as the others each time. When we got everything out, we took a garden hose in the house and washed it down from ceiling to floor. It really came out pretty nice.
:jaw::jaw::jaw: OMG... Those are some of the worst pics I have ever seen, no doubt the people that occupied those apartments were either mentally ill or used the place as a crack house or something like that.. I have seen places like this on "cops" and "animal cops" very sad and a big health hazard for the other tenants in those buildings.
OK OK!! Wife was away for the weekend,had the lads over....i'll clean it up! I'll get you jrmgkia for posting pics of my palace.....oh and thanks also...i forgot where the TV was...ah,but where's the remote..oh dear!!