Hey everyone, I just got off the phone with my local dealership who called me to see if I was intersted in selling my prius...I was just wondering if anyone else has been contacted lately? I am not in the market to buy or sell my car but it was curious that I got this call...
I just read an article on MSN.com today that dealers had begun calling past buyers offering to buy back the cars for the same price originally paid. So if you dealer offered any less, he is a sheister. I guess it would be a good deal for that rare person who is dissapointed in the Prius, but it is hard to understand why anyone would part with such a faithful freind knowing they are in short supply.
Yeah, there have been reports like that. I've gotten flyers from my dealer a couple times in the last couple years. In the words of the late Charleston Heston: "from my cold dead hands." (or for a plug-in Prius, whichever comes first)
So much demand that there's a market for used ones. Sometimes a person's financial situation is such that they must downgrade to a cheaper car. I wouldn't sell mine unless something better came along. Even when my new EV comes, I'll still need the Prius for summer trips to Canada. But when the next model Prius comes out, who knows? We'll see what the specs are... maybe then.
Thanks for the response...Mine is paid off and only gets driven on Sundays (ok a little more than that...I work from home)...But I could not see letting her go even though I dont get to take full advantage of her...