It's been a little over 30 days, and when I first bought the car, I found myself second guessing the purchase. The car was much smaller than what I am used to. Is it safe? Did I make the right decision? Anyway, while getting into the car last week, out of the blue, I thought to myself, "I Love this car!" I actually surprised myself considering how I felt the first week of purchase. It took me a while, but I am really enjoying my Prius!!
Counting the days till I get my classic silver PKG5 on the list 6/30/08 hope to have it by 10/15/08 L O N G W A I T !!:clock: Do you like the NAV,Do you use it??
I wish I was as enthusiastic as you after 30 days! I've had mine about 40 days now, and the only thing I can say I truly love is the fact that I am getting 48MPG. Since that fact outweighs all of my other complaints, it is all I really focus on. It gets me from here to there (without getting lost...thanks GPS ), and does it for a lot less money and a lot less toxic emissions.
Glad you came around I think a lot of people are surprised how much they end up liking it. I bought mine thinking it would be a big sacrifice (former SUV/sportscar guy) and now its my preferred ride. In fact I'm annoyed right now that I have to drive the WRX or the SUV, because I can never get the Prius away from my wife Hopefully we'll have a second Prius soon! Rob
I drove pickup trucks for 29 years straight until I purchased a used 05' this past July. I was getting 15 mpg in my company pickup, and driving 30K to 35K miles per year. It's been a pleasant and cost saving change. I can pretty much park anywhere and make u-turns on 4-lane with median roads without having to hit the curb. Why did I wait so long? Jamie
You might want to update your profile, now that you have your Prius (And your general location will help too, for anything that could be climate related). You have GPS, voice controlled bluetooth and whatever else your package comes with, it seems your car is pretty loaded, more than just getting "from here to there". Is there anything about it that we can help you with? Nothing I can change, but for me, the styling wasn't really what I like, but everything else more than made up for it. Going from a Subaru Outback there were a couple days the first winter where I missed the AWD, and a couple trips in the summer when I miss the space, but that's become a distant memory now. I get double the gas mileage and it's more fun driving with the video game of trying to better your mileage.
I must agree with "NYMAMA" I also questioned my purchase my first days. I'm a pickup truck type of person and I miss my truck. I like driving a stick shift for the feel of the car. It has been a great change for me and it took a while to learn to appreciate the Prius. "Once you change you will not go back." (until they make a hybrid truck)