Ok we are now officially a new Prius Owner, picked up the car on Saturday afternoon. so far....Love it I will try to get a Pic of it sometime later. Package 6 spectra Blue. reading the manual cover to cover..... learning all kinds of stuff, the car drives like a dream, took it for a little 50 mile trip into the foothills, no problems at all. My wife is tremendously excited about her new car. She said it just felt like her car from the moment she got into it.
Thanks we are just tickeled to death with it. drives like a dream..... My wife ( who loves Tinker Bell ) has already starting calling the car "Tink"
Congratulations and welcome to Priuschat! There is a better user's manual located here: John's Stuff - Toyota Prius User-Guide Also, the 2nd and third "sticky" threads are well worth reading and the search feature is your friend.
Congrats D&H ! Great color choice too. Do you actually think you will get any time to drive it seeing your wife loves it so much ? Methinks maybe another Prius coming soon.... Enjoy, it's a fabulous car.
Well.... it is her car... I wanted her to have it. She wanted that car so much it makes me happy to see her in it. I will drive it when we take it on trips and such which we do a couple of times a year, and she has consented to let me take it to work one day this week to show my co-workers the car. But there is no doubt about it, that is her car. She just loves it, and so do I But I have a little truck ( Ford Ranger ) that I am actually quite fond of so I am good. when we go anywhere together, it will be in the Prius. I am just happy to see her happy
Welcome D&H. My wife "confiscated" the Prius right after we got it. She loves it -- so do I when I get to drive it. I don't know when the excitement dies -- everyone I talk to says the same thing, "I love it!". Doesn't seem to matter how long they've had the car.
Welcome :welcome:to PC and congrats on the new car. Look around lots of useful information on this site.
Welcome! Be prepared to be chatted up at gas stations and parking lots. You will, at times, feel like a Prius salesman.
Wow, another Spectra Blue, seeing them more often here too. Wait 'til you start seeing 50+ mpg, hopefully, you'll think there's something wrong with the gas pump (that's it, can't be full already) Yep, it is