Posters come and go, but some seem to have vanished. Whatever happened to Saminjax, and Rufaro, and DanMan? Or Rancid, and Pinto Girl? Or Skwyre, and AuntBee, and Maggie? Anybody got any news they can share?
To me, one of the bigger losses from a few years ago was FrBill from down-state Illinois. A Catholic Priest, he bought a 2004-or-05 but then had to sell it when he couldn't afford the payments. One of the founding members of the Chicago Prius Group, BNLFanMatt, just dropped off the face of the map one day. We had already exchanged phone numbers and, of course, emails so I pestered him for a little while out od curiosity and concern. Usually a light-hearted and enthusiastically friendly fellow he wrote and email with no details, dripping with sorrow, and pretty much ensuring that we wouldn't see him again. To this day I have no clue.
The sad part about internet chat boards... It's entirely too easy for people to come and go and leave behind relations/friendships they've formed there. After all, there are no real people posting behind the messages, right?
People's lives take other directions. Other pastimes replace posting on a chat board. Someone gets sick, can't pay the bills, and the internet connection has to go. So many things happen. Someone loses his job due to the state of the economy, can't afford to keep the Prius, and this board no longer seems the right place to be. ... Of the people mentioned in the OP, Pinto Girl announced that a career change was going to leave her insufficient time for posting.
Hey I'm still here! Sorry I don't check in as often as I used to. Schedule is hectic crazy. I have a brand new baby niece--she's adorable and was named after both my mom and dad (Erica Janiece). Still have my Prius, Ruby. 57 mpg right now. The gas situation in Middle Tennessee is awful right now. Friday afternoon there wasn't a drop of it to be found anywhere. I had just filled up the Prius the week before and still had 10 blips on the screen so I didn't worry too much.
Hello, AuntBee! Nice to hear from you. No apologies necessary - I just wondered where you'd wandered off to.
I remember that Rufaro was going through some marital transformations and was moving to SoCal, I hope she has made it there safely, its been about 2 months. I miss her, she always mad me laugh out loud at her comments.
evberybody! Although I wasn't mentioned in the original post, it's been quite a while, so I thought it was time to say hello. I don't have my Prius anymore , but I also don't have a car payment! When gas hit $4, people panicked, and I got what I felt was a very good deal. I traded my Prius with 3 more years of payments even for a newer car, with fewer miles, and more warranty. Okay, okay -- it's a Chevrolet Cobalt, very boring, and definitely not a cool car. But the mileage is decent (38/31), and it's safe, reliable transportation. i miss the Prius, but not as much as I enjoy the financial freedom. I've never had a car without a car payment, and I LOVE it!!!!! Actually, I miss my friends at PriusChat more than the car. Hopefully, I'll be able to be around more soon. Next week, I leave for Washington to participate in the Breast Cancer 3-Day. (Thank you again, Daniel and Boo, for your contributions!) I will be walking 60 miles, and sleeping in a tent. I have been training like crazy, and the weekend I did 18 miles, then 15 miles the next day, I KNEW I could do this!! This whole endeavor has been probably the second most difficult thing I have ever done in my life. The fundraising really scared me, but then I was bowled over by so much generosity and support. Then the training has been um.... challenging, both physically and mentally. I managed to injure myself and spent weeks and weeks in physical therapy. It truly was a pain in the nice person! I also had an outbreak of PHN (serious nerve pain that happens after shingles, triggered by physical or mental stress). Then there was the week that I couldn't wear shoes because of the blisters on my feet, which happened just about the time I had blisters on my shoulders because I forgot the sunscreen. I'm on my 6th and 7th pairs of walking shoes, and you have no idea how complicated the whole issue of socks can become! Anyway, it's been a long, exciting, frustrating, horrible, wonderful journey, and now the real journey is about to begin. Did I mention that I'm pretty psyched?!? Otherwise, I've been spending more time in my hometown -- my dad, who has Alzheimer's, is there, as well as my favorite sister. So despite the less than ideal circumstances, we've had a lot of fun. I've also been working on a local environmental committee. We've been trying to get curbside recycling since 1992 -- looking like a long shot at best, but we'll keep at it. I've also recently been really into baking. Hmmmm...that's about it for me. It's nice to be back on the boards. I'm in another group that I've had to quit recently over political issues. When they started quoting Rush Limbaugh, I just couldn't take it! Much more comfortable here! Peace -- Marjorie.
I wondered the same -- On the flip side "would anyone would miss me" :violin: if I got too busy & checked out for a little while, or if something seriously bad caused me to drop out? The happy ending might be a whole pride of Prii showing up at one's driveway, flashing one, two, and three-word messages of cheer on their MFD's
Heck yah Spectra - I and my armadillo would miss you! (On a side note - you know what we really need here? A dancing armadillo smiley. No joke.)
Hyo, Thanks for missing me and all the other missing PC alums! MarjFlowers contrats on no car payment! That's exciting. And Moxie--I love that baby armadillo. I have a concrete armadillo statue in my garden B.
It's great to hear from some long-lost members. Sorry if I didn't mention your name - no slight intended. I know F8L is still around, for one, though very busy with school. On a sad note, today's birthday announcements show that this would have been hdrygas's 61st birthday.
yeah, life changes quickly. sometimes it's hard to keep up with everything, including internet forums. when it comes down to the big priorities, that stuff tends to fall to the wayside.