Hi there. Been a Prius fan for a few years now, but I could never afford one until recently. Bought a salvaged '07 with around 7,000 miles on it about 4 months ago or so, now its around 13,000 miles. The amount of gas I've used is insane! In terms of how little, that is. Also I'm very worried about running out of gas no matter what I drive so I tend to fill up at 40% full - so ever since I've owned the Prius, I pay $20 to fill up. Awesome! Nice to meet you all.
Good luck with your Prius? Curious about the salvage. How bad was it damged? Was it fixed before you bought it or did you have it fixed?
Sorry I should have been more clear on that! It was fixed before it was put on the lot. As I understood it, it was bought in pieces from an auto shop, then reassembled, then sold at auction to the dealership that I got it from. The only way I can tell it is less-than-perfect in and out, is that the right-most A/C vent is slightly misaligned, and, as such, its difficult to turn it on or off. Not impossible, just not as easy as the other ones. Everything else is great though!
Welcome to the forum toxicity. Even though your Prius is a salvaged one, you are saving $'s on gas and that is the main reason why I also got myself a Prius. Keep it clean and in top shape. That '07 should give you thousands of miles of fun.