Shame it seems pie in the sky at the moment.. 186 miles on a 10 min charge? What exactly are they charging? Capacitors? Also a quoted "£20,000+ saving on running costs"!!! Compared to what, a helicopter?!
Very possible, actually, though this particular company may or may not be on the level. The Phoenix Motorcars SUT ("sport-utility truck") uses A123 LiFePO4 batteries, which can be recharged in ten minutes, though the rub is that this would require a very big charger and sufficient electrical service. So the ten-minute recharge exists in a car you can buy today (if you have enough money). The savings on running costs probably include maintenance as well as fuel, and are to a "comparable" gas-powered car. What's it cost to keep a Lamborghini running? Extremely high-performance gas engines take a lot of maintenance. Electric motors take none. The GBP 20,000 figure may be inflated, but the car will use much cheaper energy and no maintenance, if it's built to high quality standards. That said, I'd have no interest in a 700-hp car. BTW, there's a guy in Florida, I think his name is Ronaele, you can Google it, who converts Mustangs to electric, with similar performance. He says the limiting factor is not the motor: it's keeping the wheels on the ground. But I just want a car I can use for transportation. The Xebra has its limitations, as does the Zenn, but there's not much else affordable out there yet.
Look up Warp 13" electric motors. They have been proven to make a 4,000Lb vehicle run 12 second 1/4 miles.