Hey everyone, Most of you have seen the thread I created asking for postcards to be sent to my niece. That's going very well. My sister tells me that she comes home beaming at the postcards she's received from all these different places. Thanks to those who have helped. I have another favor. This one's a bit easier. A friend is taking a college class on Marketing and asked if I would fill out a survey. When I asked, he said that I could forward it on so he could get more respondents. So I am once again turning to the largest, most diverse population I have direct contact with. He won't tell me the details of the survey but they are all questions about alcohol drinking habits, preferences, and the like. It took me just a few minutes to complete it. If you're interested: [FONT="]http://www.surveymonkey.com/s.aspx?sm=ankbgOX3zUSvSzq3x7KYnA_3d_3d[/FONT] I love data. He said that upon completion of the survey and the analysis of the results he would send them to me. I'll post them here.
Thanks guys. I did let him know that there is a flaw in the survey. In the questions about "where do you drink", the answer "at work" is not an option. Though I think there was a write-in opportunity.