Can you keep cordless electric mowers outside - at least in the summer? I've just moved from a house with a garage back into the city with no garage, no shed and no place to keep it indoors. The new house does have a lawn and I have a 10 year old Toro battery operated mower that works just fine. There's outdoor cable and outside outlets but Toronto can get heavy rain in the summer. I'd really like to get the thing out of the front hall vestibule where it's charging now.
My Neuton mower lives in the garage, but the battery lives in the house where the temperature doesn't fluctuate so much. It sounds like your battery is not easily separable from the rest of the mower?
Don't they still run on lead-acid batteries? Wait a year or two--Black & Decker will probably come out with a more advanced battery mower. They are just around the corner. I have the Black & Decker cordless hedge trimmer and chainsaw. They run on the same 18V NiMH battery. Excellent. The chainsaw can cut an 8" tree trunk. They'll run for one hour between charges. Just a matter of the when the cordless mower will have these or Li ion batteries. That will make them more like the gas mowers in performance.
The newton has my recommendation i love mine works excellent, and i do recharge my batteries in a semi-climate controlled area....exceptionally quiet, you can mow early while it's cool and not disturb anyone Froley
I bought a Neuton about 7 months ago. It was the 5.1 model (I think), 14" cutting width. Worked great.....for about 5 3/4 months. Although it had a narrow cutting width, I didn't mind much since my yard is small. It mulched perfectly. Just before the 6 month trial period was up, it had major mechanical failure. Great customer service with Neuton. I arranged to upgrade to the newest 19" wide cutting width 6.2 model. They arranged to have the broken mower picked up and my new mower delivered in about 3 days. No shipping charge. The new 6.2 model has lots of power, and a nice wide cut. Only thing is that it will not mulch properly. It always leaves a wind row of grass clippings on every pass. The only way to get it to keep from doing this is to pull it backwards. I tried troubleshooting the mower to see if I could figure out why it was doing this. The problem is that the back of the mower deck is 3/4 to 1" higher than the front of the deck. Of course the grass clippings are going to be deposited out the back instead of being pulverized and evenly spread out on the lawn. I have talked to the Neuton people several times about the mulching problem, and they can't help me. Seems like it is a common problem. If they would authorize it without voiding the warrantee, I would open the mower up and see if I could modify the height adjustment so that the deck was parallel with the ground. I will be sending the Neuton back to them tomorrow. I am now looking at a Solaris brand cordless electric self propelled mower made in Canada. They sell an optional solar charging unit that will charge the batteries in 4 or 5 days. I haven't been able to locate a dealer in the US as of yet. Another model that looks promising is a Bosch model that runs on a Li ion battery. So far they only sell them in Germany and the UK. I would love to be able to try either the Solaris or the Bosch......but can't get a hold of one yet. I am a couple hundred miles from B.C. in Canada.....and would be willing to drive the Prius that far to get a good look at either of these mowers. Anyone out there have one or know of someone that has a Solaris or a Bosch lawn mower? Thanks, Mark
We should all do our part to save the enviroment and encourage the growth of the solar and wind power industries. Cordless electric lawn mowers go a long ways towards these goals. I recently purchased the Black & Decker Cordless Electric Lawnmower the CMM1200. I hope my review will help you make a decision about our future.