Does anyone know the x-gauge parameters for: -MG1 temp -MG2 temp -Inverter temp -Hybrid battery temp -Regen brake current I have found (on this forum) the parameters for: -SOC of the HV battery -HV battery voltage -charge/discharge current of the HV battery Thanks, Mark
Mark, The charge current for the HV battery is the Regen Current when the ICE is not running. Here is something to try for the HV battery temp. from: The SGII Xgauge Database - CleanMPG Forums GAUGE: BATTERY TEMP (UPPER READ) CONF?: YES, BUT FAILS OF "UPGRADED" SCANGAUGES (3.15*) UNITS: DEG C ->TXD: 03 C3 ->RXF: 01 03 02 CB 00 00 ->RXD: 30 08 ->MTH: 00 01 00 01 00 00 ->NAM: buc NOTES: (PRIUS) °C MAX FOR THE 5 MS CYCLE GAUGE: BATTERY TEMP (LOWER READ) CONF?: YES, BUT FAILS OF "UPGRADED" SCANGAUGES (3.15*) UNITS: DEG C ->TXD: 03 C3 ->RXF: 01 03 02 CB 00 00 ->RXD: 38 08 ->MTH: 00 01 00 01 00 00 ->NAM: blc NOTES: (PRIUS) °C MIN FOR THE 5 MS CYCLE JeffD
Thanks Jeff. Here's what I found for: -SOC of the HV battery -HV battery voltage -charge/discharge current of the HV battery SOC of the HV battery TXD 07E321CE RXF 056186CE0000 RXD 3008 MTH 000A00020000 NAM SOC HV battery voltage TXD 0033 RXF 0100023B0000 RXD 2010 MTH 000100010000 NAM UHV charge/discharge current of the HV battery TXD 07E321CE RXF 056186CE0000 RXD 3810 MTH 0001000AF333 NAM IHV Mark
conflicts Some of the custom Xgauge settings can't be active simultaneously. I ran into one yesterday I don't recall having been posted. The codes I'm using for traction battery state of charge (SOC) conflict with the codes for traction battery temperature (blf, buf, or buc). Can't view both at the same time. Presumably this is the same issue previously reported in which display of some codings for other traction battery parameters conflict with each other. I think some people have reported the battery temperature codes not to work for them--these people may have had a conflicting parameter enabled for display. One other point: the Fahrenheit temperatures display nn.n when the temperature is below 100F. This lets you see that they change in integer multiples of 1.8--obviously the actual value on the bus is a Celsius integer value.
I have my Sangauge II mounted in my Gen 3 -- but none of the Xgauges seem to work. They just read blank. I've tried both the passive and active ones for SoC, Battery Current, and Battery Voltage. Anyone know what I might be doing wrong?
It was my understanding several codes available on gen II cars have not yet been decoded and programmed for the gen III cars.
I did some more digging last night and that appears to be the case. I have the latest excel sheet with all the codes -- I will give them a try and mark them down as to which work and which don't. SoC, Battery Amps and Battery Volts (both passive and active) all don't work. But I put in mph (xx.xx) and that one seems to work. I haven't driven the car yet but at least it shows a 0.00 on the screen when stopped....
I tried some more Xgauges today and none worked. So far only the mph xx.xx works... (and of course kph since it's just different math.) It is fun to watch it updated so incredibly fast since it's passive.... but I would love to have more gauges available.