Ok all you visionaries- I know lots of you must be on facebook - but not so many in the priusowners group.... comon & get in! is there anything such as too much fun?
And while you're there, don't forget to become a fan of PriusChat: http://www.new.facebook.com/group.php?gid=2204203211#/pages/PriusChat/8303082309?ref=ts
If you folding for Team Priuschat, don't forget to install "F@H Protein Researcher" application at Facebook and update your credential. On facebook, Team Priuschat rank No. 23. In the world, Team Priuschat rank No. 197
I am now on FaceBook. Send me your friend requests. http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=1600226881
Wasn't sure if I should start a new Facebook discussion thread or add posts here... I found this interesting: Facebook phasing out support for Internet Explorer 7 | ZDNet. So, one way right now to avoid the horribly chaotic looking Timeline view if your friend has it on is to use or spoof IE7? If only FB would provide a toggle between the regular and Timeline view for those who choose to switch to it...
You mean there's actually one advantage to IE (I mean advantage to users, not advantage to malware makers)? It's a New Year's miracle!
I'm not on Facebook. The idea of anyone being able to look me up kind of creeps me out. There are people in my past I'd really rather didn't know where I am.
You can have your security settings where no one outside your 'friends' circle will be able to see anything other than your profile photo. Even among your 'friends', you can restrict what they see (to a large extent). That's what I have done.
What creeped me out was that friends of my friends could see me as a friend of their friend. Since the friend in question blogged every detail of her life, more information about me reached people I do not know than I was comfortable with. The day after I friended my friend (who was a real friend, not just an on-line "friend") a dozen people who I did not know anything about, sent me friend requests, apparently for no other reason than we had a mutual "friend." I have nothing against virtual "social networking" for those who enjoy it. I just don't care to participate. I can chat anonymously here on Prius Chat, and only people I've chosen to meet or to communicate with in other ways know who I really am. And I can communicate with my real friends and family by email. Facebook offers me no benefits I cannot get in other ways. Again, I have nothing against Facebook. I just choose not to participate.
I'm not surprised that the Facebook is dumping the IE7. It is after all, not the current IE Browser. Of course, since I walk a different path... I use Safari. I'm sure that I put far too much on Facebook but I really just don't hide anything. I've reached that point in my life where I don't need secrecy. Heck, my phone number is listed in the book. It's not a secret that my DD9 and I are avid Disney fans. So is it a surprise that I'm on a Disney forum? While at WDW in October 2012 we actually encountered someone from the Disney forum while waiting in the line for a ride. She saw me uploading a photo to The Dis from my iPhone and actually knew who I was from posts, profile and such. I wasn't creeped out at all, I actually thought it made the world a little smaller. A young lady that I know posted that she was laid off on her Facebook status. A friend of a friend saw it and knew of a job opening. She was unemployed for 10 days... There are some advantages to networks.
Not exactly new but I dug it up after having mentioned it to a friend of mine recently. Socialbot Network finds it easy to harvest data from Facebook users | Naked Security Beware of Accepting a Robot Friend on Facebook | Webupon
Facebook forcing "Timeline" down user's throats Facebook forcing "Timeline" down users' throats Facebook forces Timeline; tips to hide users' past - Yahoo! Finance It's also confirmed at https://blog.facebook.com/blog.php?post=10150408488962131. FWIW, I've sent my feedback pleading that this not be forced on all of us at https://www.facebook.com/help/contact_us.php?id=150272491747654. I think everyone who finds Timeline messy/jarring (me) or is concerned about Timeline's privacy should send feedback.
Sorry, my life is not an open book, in fact my facebook page uses my nickname as the user name, even then I have only hooked up with people I know, well! I'm with Daniel on this ony, it falls under the heading, "How not to be seen, don't stand up"
"Mark Zuckerberg: Inside Facebook" was pretty decent. Unlike some of the other documentaries, they actually talked to Zuck a bunch and even showed the house that was their "office" in the company's early days... Unfortunately, it won't be rerun in the next two weeks, but I think it's likely CNBC will rerun it in the future. I didn't realize why there were so many scenes from London until I saw the credits. Its looks like it was done by a British company or for/by the BBC.
It finally happened. Rumors of this have been swirling around the last few weeks or so... Facebook IPO launched officially - SlashGear
Here's a guy who thinks Facebook's IPO is a money grab by the owners, and that Facebook is on the way out and is going to die: Commentary on ZDNet.