This is an amazing phone/ppc and after the Rom update it works great with the Prius Bluetooth. Just as good as my V551. I am going to check and see if it will allow transfer of entire phone book as opposed to single entry transmission. Will report more later.
keep me posted. Im getting the sx66 next week. THe other thing that i was thinking of, and may be i'll start a new thread. Wonder if you'd be able to tranfer address from your pda to the nav and get driving directiosn?
If things go well, I'll get a SX66 too. Corporate discount doesn't extend to PDA-phones, but that's life. Lack of camera will be a benefit, when I won't have to turn it in when visiting some places. Some of the user reviews include brushing the screen against their cheek and disconnecting the call. Does it seem like casual use would run into that a lot? Has anyone heard if an upgrade to Windows Mobile 2005 is going to be available? I understand hardware compatibility issues may come up...
actually i've had a sx56 for over a year now and never had the brushing the cheek problem and i also mostly used the headset rather than holding a piece of brick over your ear.
Not sure I'd go with a headset unless it traveled well in my shirt pocket and deployed rapidly, so any problems using the SX66 like it was a regular phone would need to be addressed...
Update - SX66 still works well. A few things to mention though. After a few days, the phone needs to be reset as it loses the bluetooth connection (no big deal). The bluetooth connects very fast but i have found that putting the phone into the call screen speeds things up and prevents a loss of bluetooth connection. I tried to upoad the phone book all at once with no success. I have not tried one entry at a time yet. In terms of calls from the phone itself, I have not had any problems with my cheek pushing up against the screen (other than oil from my cheek being left on the screen). One problem I have noticed is that the bluetooth connection is lost if I access the internet via GPRS. Just keep that in mind. If you access internet while someone else is driving, you will need to reset the phone to get the bluetooth connection again. I will update again as things progress.
I've been thinking about getting the V551 so I can connect to the Prius audio systems. But I see previous messages about switching FROM the V551 to another mobile phone. Is there a reason other than getting a newer phone for the switch. That is, is there something wrong with the V551 I should consider before buying it? Thanks for your input.
I have nothing but raves for the v551. The bluetooth works extemely well with the Prius. The connection to the Prius is stronger than with my SX66. It works faster than the SX66 as well. I think the reason is that the v551 is only a phone while the SX66 is a complex PDA with a phone. If you try to do too much with the PDA phone it causes bluetooth problems. With the v551 you have none of those problems. I HIGHLY recommend the v551. It works great and I would not recommend anything else (phone only). If you want a multi purpose phone with bluetooth (from cingular), then you will need to go with the treo 650 (palm) or the SX66 (windows) IMO.
Hello everyone, I am a new poster on I had a 2001 Prius before my current 2005 with all the bells and whistles, which I love! I just bought an SX66 yesterday and am VERY happy with it so far. I did the official Cingular firmware update and it made a world of difference with the bluetooth connection to my car. Someone said that there are times when my voice fades when I call--like the first word, but then all the rest can be heard. Has anyone with the SX66 experienced the same complaint from others? I thought I read that there was a hidden menu to unlock some service department settings--would a setting there assist me in improving upon this problem? The problem *could* have been my reception at that very moment, but I figured I should ask all the same. I haven't tried to transfer contacts yet, but will do that shortly after I get the rest of my SX66 settings in place. Glad to be a part of this community. -R2
Seeking the best phone Hello EveryOne, I'm new too. And after reading all the postings I'm still note sure which phone to get. I'm a brand new Prius owner and am excited with all the possibilities. Not being an expert techie person I'm looking into the easiest, simplest phone to use in the car. Still don't understand so much but am trying to learn as I go. I was so happy I got a few destinations in the navigation system. Love IT! I'm looking for a phone without all the bells and whistles but just great connection and ease of use with the car. Any suggestions?? Thanks in advance for any tips and/or advise.
Based on your desires, I would get the v551 if you have Cingular service. If you have other service, get the same phone from Motorola that your provider carries. They work very well witht eh Prius amd are easy to use.
I am following up on what I wrote previously. I worked with the Bluetooth Voice Quality settings I had mentioned and saw minimal differences. You can choose your overall quality, send, and receive levels--3 is the default for overall quality with a 0 for both send and receive levels. Increasing the overall quality to 4 seemed to help a *little*. If anyone has some tips about a combination that might be better, that would be great. I can hear people well on my side, but I sound metallic with little or no bass on their end. I am a little frustrated on the address book portion as well. I can transfer the contacts over ONE-BY-ONE and see them appear... only you can't use them; they're grayed out!!! Garbage... I HOPE I am doing something wrong, but I don't see how I could have uploaded them but can't use them. :cussing:
To transfer and be able to use, you need to have the data very basic. Just the name and one phone number per contact, not two. The phone number on the sx66 must be without dashes or parenthesis (i.e. 4255551212). Try that and it should work.
hlip: thank you for your speedy response! How exactly do I enter a number without a parenthesis or dash; it autoformats within the SX66! I tried changing the regional settings, word completion, tried adapting within MS Outlook on my client computer... all to no avail. I saw a thread where someone had mentioned that it could work by simplifying the number, but without any directions to do so. -R2
Cingular at the Bottom of the Heap I'm back with some new complications to what really ought to be easy, but it isn't. The issue is this: I have Cingular service, but since it acquired AT&T, it's customer satisfaction rating has slipped from the middle of the list to rock bottom. As a consequence, I'm rethinking the purchase of the V551 phone and Cingular service I mentioned in an earlier reply. Now I'm looking at Vorizon, which continues to be at the summit of the cunstomer satisfaction list. So the Prius question I need help with is this: Have any of you used a Vorizon, Bluetooth phone successfully with the Prius system...and, if so, what was the phone make and model? Thanks everyone. Verizon's business plan does not include allowing unhindered Bluetooth use. I'm not sure if any of their Bluetooth phones will update a Prius phonebook. Also, they have decided that possible piracy is worth preventing songs from being copied to V710 memory cards then used in the phone. As a completely dissatisfied Verizon customer, who often sees messages when the phone never rang on top of all this other crap, I'm moving TO Cingular and will hope I don't need Customer Service much...
I recall reading earlier accounts from a couple of PC members that the Sony T608 worked with the Prius, including phonebook transfer. Of course, you'd have to pick one up off ebay at a somewhat inflated price and then I doubt VZW would provide any tech support if that were needed. Anyway, disregarding the phonebook transfer issue, my v710 works great with my complaints here. Further, I picked up a used Sony T68i for circa 30 bucks on ebay strictly for the purpose of phonebook transfer and that's worked out well. Regarding the memory card thing, again, I have no issues; a simple seem edit did the trick and it's now fully functional.
Just a nag... how does one enter phone numbers into the Contacts list on the SX66 without it automatically formatting with parenthesis and dashes? Thanks for any assistance! R2