if you have not heard, michael moore released his new film, "slacker uprising" as a free download. its a documentary about getting teenagers to vote. the main site to watch it (streaming) i think is Michael Moore's SLACKER UPRISING it is also available on itunes in standard and hi definition for free Slacker Uprising also features performances by Eddie Vedder (of Pearl Jam), Roseanne Barr, Tom Morello (of Rage Against The Machine) and more.
Wow, what a crew of "supporters". The song, "F#ck the Police" by Rage Against the Machine comes to mind.... certainly a credible band to associate your film with.
saw the film today, a little boring since i knew most of it. makes me more aware of the current administration as a bunch a facists
I, too, found the film rather dull. After a while, I started skipping bits, and then shut it off half-way. As it says at the beginning, it's a documentary about Moore's efforts in the 2004 campaign. And it's a call for people to vote, something even the Republicans on this board agree with. He never even tells you who to vote for, though we can take it as read that people who go to Michael Moore appearances will be Obama supporters.
Thanks for the heads up, Im going to download it on itunes, and watch it in bits. Don't want to OD on Michael Moore.
no thanks. If I want to watch anti American hate speech I can always listen to radio Cuba. I have served with the military in war time and would have died for his right to have free speech; but that doesnt mean I condone the socialist punk.
Thanks. I'll check that out. Having the first half of a movie boring as hell is not the best way to get people to sit through to the second half.
I found the first 15 minutes or so really boring but after that it got much better and mentioned a few interesting points. Even showed a section where some of those who really hated him and he let them speak without condemning them. I thought that was a good call. Nothing great, but it was free... Ray