Yesterday, a troll hopped online and was able to make more than a dozen obscene and offensive posts. This happened during my evening commute and was made worse that I needed to iron some shirts and the Cubbies were playing so PriusChat was not on my mind. When I did get around to logging on there was a long list of reported posts. Upon close inspection I realized a wondrous thing: people had reported the posts and then went on with their business. We've said it time and time again that the clean up of trolls and flames and spam is 100 times easier when no one quotes or even references the offending posts. In this case, no one did either. With only a couple mouse clicks I was able to ban the offender and remove every one of his posts with absolutely no residual effects. This was made possible by all those who reported and walked away. Thanks.
Tony, thanks to you and all the moderators for staying on top of things. :clap2: Now a question: Following an offending post, I and many others post that it has been reported so that others will know there is no need to do the same. Are you suggesting that even that is unnecessary? I don't know how the moderators' interface works. It seems logical that one troll/spam report would be easier for you to manage than 100 for the same post, but you seem to be implying otherwise.
As long as you don't quote the troll's post it is OK to make a quick "troll reported" post just so other's don't have to report it as well. But you don't have to do even that b/c the new software groups all reports of the same post together. In fact you don't even need to report the same individual troll more than once b/c we can ban and delete all posts with about 3 clicks these days.
Here! Here! And a major kudos to everyone who 'walked away' and made the cleanup quite easy and simple. Further, walking away, or ignoring the posts, took the air out of the poster's sails. Maybe they'll think twice before doing this again.
The "h" is silent. I just read the headline and realized that I left the "h" off and laughed to myself. And Evan explained it better than I did. I'll try to give you a glimpse. When we log in, there's a "forum" in which all reports go. Each post receives it's own "thread." The OP on those threads is pretty explanatory. When multiple people report the same post, the thread is longer, appended by posts saying "So-n-So has also reported this post." So as Evan said, when multiple people report the same post it's no big deal because we follow the link in the OP and - in the case of spam - disregard the rest. About posting that a post has been reported, there's no real harm in that except that when we're finished the thread will look something like: Hey I ran out of gas, what's up with the pips? It's best to get gas when you're on one pip, that's what I do. The pips are non-linear. Reported to mods. I ran out of gas once after 100 miles on a flashing pip. What was reported to mods? You reported me to the mods? What did I do to you? Just because I don't understand how the gas gauge works doesn't make me a troll.
Seems I missed all the "FUN?" NOT! Thanks for cleaning it all up! I've seen it happen on other forums. :yell:
That's why when I report one contained within an otherwise legitimate thread I will quote just the author of the offending post along with "..." to show others who I'm reporting. And then (if I think about it) I'll go back after deletion, delete that, and replace it with something along the lines of "[Deleted spam report]."