i an thinking of getting a standard Prius, not Touring ,package 3 no extras other than package 3 for 25900 walk away price. Does that sound fair? It is used with 100 miles on it.
Do you know what it stickers for? Looks like a non touring package 3 list for around $26,200. Why is the car used? Is the vehicle a demo or is it from a private seller? The Prius has a high resale value. That price seems good, if you know more information that would help.
Well I did find out more. The sticker said 26400 and the seller was on another dealer wait and the model #5 came up for him so he sold this #3 for a $500 loss. It was purchased 8/28 and I felt so confident in it that it is now in my driveway as of 2 hours ago! It seems pretty sweet so far. I found it on Craigs list. Actually I would even pay more to just not have to deal with car dealers. They seem to tell me something different every time I go in. Also it has the plates and everything. And of course it is still under warranty.