I was backing out of the garage today when I suddenly heard a loud noise from the back that sounded like I hit something. At this point I'm not sure if I felt anything or not since I slammed on the brake so fast it was almost instantaneous. I put the car in Park, pressed the emergency brake, and got out to look. I circled the car a couple times, looked in the wheel wells, under the car, even opened the rear hatch (though I'm not sure why). I could not find anything wrong. I backed the rest of the way out of the garage (I was only a couple feet out of the garage when it happened), stopped and did the same thing again. I have no idea what happened. Any ideas?
Could the antenna have been hooked on the garage opener emergency cord and whacked loose to hit the roof?
did you run over the invisible girl from the fantastic four? robot chicken just did a parody of the fanatstic four last sunday night, where someone exactly did that
If I ran over the invisible girl, I'll probably notice when I pull into the garage later tonight. We don't usually have plastic water or soda/pop bottles around and I didn't see any when I looked around. But I imagine that would make a freightening noise running over one. Definitely not the antenna on the emergency cord; I was near the side of a double-door. But maybe I started backing out before the door was completely open and the antenna hit the bottom of the door. I'll have to try sitting in my car and have someone bend the antenna back and let go of it. :car: Thanks!
maybe you hit the garage door? i scaped off my rear window washer sprayer on my garage door once if u hit the garage door enough the wheels will go slightly off track which will cause a loud popping noise everytime you open and close it
What about the side mirror? It could have been pushed in or out a little, and then it snapped itself back into place, that would make a loud noise.
A caution if you snagged the garage door with your antenna: you may have compromised the watertightness of the antenna mount. What's the big deal? The conical base has imbedded powered amplifier circuitry. At the bottom of the base is a plastic gasket that wraps up around the cone about 1/8 inch. If you bent the antenna enough, you could have opened a slight opening between the gasket and base. If water gets in, it gets wicked up into the circuitry. If in the future you experience degraded radio reception, corrosion in the circuits should be suspected. I think a new base goes for ~$30US. Installing it will require at least partially removing the headliner.
Do you have a large break-over angle going into your garage that may have allowed you to bottom out? I drove over a large speed bump on Friday a bit too fast and bottomed out. I was not pleased. Such a noise if it caught you off guard would not be very obvious as to where it came from.