I live in VT and recently bought a 2004 Prius, with what looks like all options (side airbags, Bluetooth, Nav., etc.) I have heard that either traction control or vehicle stability control causes the power to be cut when you are on ice or slippery snow - making drivers extremely unhappy. Do 2004s have TC and VSC? Thanks, BB
TC is what people complain about, but it is most often confused with VSC. Proper winter tires are the way to go. TC is a standard 'feature' in all 2nd Gen Prius.
The sensitivity of the TC was changed apparently in the '06 or '07 MY and it isn't as aggressive as it is on my '04.
The 2004 in Canada came with TC as standard, and VSC as an option. This may not be helpful to someone in Vermont, but at least you know it's possible to have one without the other.
So the goal is to not spin the tires, which activates the TC? Efusco - Your sig. has all-time miles. How do I find that in my trip computer? BB
Well actually, all-time miles is on the odometer. Just press the "Odo/trip" button until you see the odometer readout. All-time MPG is not kept by the cars' electronics. You can minimize your TC problems with good winter tires. I put on Nokian WR tires so I wouldn't have to change wheels twice a year. They work very well. I understood the TC was "desensitized" in mid 2005. It apparently can't be "reprogrammed". If you want it changed they have to change the module.