10,800-mile road trip – 12 weeks. This was in my 07 Prius. 3 oil changes were the only events involving the Prius. Tires set at 52, 50. 48 MPG. Indeed this was not driving slowly – can you believe the POSTED speed limit in Texas is 80MPH! Always drove about 10% over posted limit. Route included Palm Beach, FL, Charleston, SC, Nashville, TN, Memphis, TN, Little Rock, AR, Dallas, TX, El Paso, TX, Tucson, AR, Scottsdale, AR, La Jolia, CA, Lake Arrowhead, CA (1 week) , Malibu, CA, St George, UT, Salt Lake City, UT, Aspen, CO (9 days), Flat Head Lake, MT (10days), Lake Brule, WI (that was a long link! – 10 days) Chicago, IL, Canton, OH (4 days), Washington, DC ( 10 days) and back to Palm Beach, FL. The trip was not intended as a site-seeing trip. Trip WAS made to see friends (at each stop) who I had not seen over a long period of time. Any questions?
Sounds like a pretty good number for the speed. I did about the same on 1800 miles straight from IN to AZ last year. All was about 5-10 over the limit, did just over 48 mpg. Rob
Something had to give! The NW had only one stop I wanted to make so it was easy to cut out what would have been an additional 1,500 - 2,000 miles. 10,800 was about all I could do. From the beginning, I realized that I could, at any time, put the Prius on a truck and fly home - but I finished 85% of the planned drive. Cheers,
10K in a Prii? Sounds like fun! I would have done 55mph and drove the cities and towns at 35 if possible. But I save that kind of trip for when I retire. Maybe my next Prii!