greetings ... wondering if anyone can shed light on when the 2009's might be arriving. my dealer (stadium toyota- tampa,fl) said 6 to 8 weeks when i ordered . that would be about early october 2008 ! paul
Paul, That sounds about right for your area accord'g to Toyota's production & delivery schedule that I've seen in another thread here. We don't expect our '09's up north here on the east coast until the end of October though. Ken (in Bolton,Ct)
just got a call from a local autoway dealer (2.5K over invoice dealer)who asked if i was still looking for a prius because he had a 2009 black one and was expecting 4 more tomorrow. i told the sales person i already was on the waiting elsewhere. when i got off the phone i called my dealer , stadium toyota tampa, fl they said thier delivery was still still 3 weeks out. so if that first call was correct .... the 2009's are arriving..... anyone, anyone ??? fyi that toyota build out/start up date info mentioned elsewhere is at the link below.... paul
2009's have been arriving for weeks since the end of August. We picked up our 2009 Touring #6 last saturday.
They hit the west cosat before the east coast. By late September the Southeastern region (check had sold all there inventory of 2008's and all arrivals were 2009's. I picked up my September 24 after waiting since May 24th (but not from my original dealer.
I received my 2009 Touring #3 in Iowa City on September 5th. I've been looking for a Prius for a while and finding waiting lists as long as 1 year or more in the area (checked around 12 dealers in the area). Iowa City indicated 3-4 months if I selected a specific model. The salesman called about 2.5 weeks before I took delivery indicated they had a magnetic grey that fell through their list of about 60 people. I initially said no as I hadn't been specifically considering the touring edition but called back rather quickly when I determined it was essentially equivalent to another model I was considering (just with larger wheels, tuned suspension). It's driven well; I've been quite happy.