...and wanted to show it off! This is a 2005 pkg 6 with just shy of 60,000 miles on it. Nothing added but a Dice HD Radio, XM, and the bra. BTW, the bra has been on for nearly 3 years now, and I took it off to wax it and there was absolutely no damage or dullness underneath. Surprising, considering I am not the most meticulous when it comes to the finish. Dan
Thanks much! I was able to park it in the shade today, 'cause the alleged missus was away. She usually claims the driveway and the garage for her new <shudder> Pontiac Vibe. I know it's essentially a Matrix, but I couldn't con her into test driving a Prius. The dealer had a waiting list, and I won't let her drive mine, so she went for the Vibe, which is what she demolished the week before. She just wasn't in a position to wait.
Looks nice and shiny but be careful parking near those bird feeders. One never knows what drops from the sky?!
very nice! my car- also pushing 60k miles, probably half highway- got a wash today and it sure cleans up nice how are your hood and windshield looking? that's the ugliest part of mine, but the bra has protected the front end.
Actually did mine today too. Started at 4:15 finished at 6:45. Washed, clayed, waxed, dressed tires. Pictures up soon in another thread.
Good morning to everyone and thanks for the kind words! I am delighted it shined up so pretty. To answer the hood/windshield questions, the windshield is flawless. My commute is DC's Beltway and I-95/395 HOV lanes. I have been lucky that I seem to have contacted very little flying debris, certainly none with sufficient force to damage the windshield. (Used to happen all the time with my VW Van up in Alaska. Yikes!) The hood has a few paint dings, but no dents. Seems as though the bra is taking the brunt of the abuse and not passing it on to the surface beneath. The bra's looking a little ragged around the edges, but it's holding up pretty well considering it's been on there three years. Besides, I like the way it looks. Considering that I don't maintain the finish as some of the dedicated Prius Chatters do, I was kind of surprised that the paint's held up so well. I actually run this through the automatic car wash with some degree of regularity, and yes, I know that's sacrelidge. I'm lazy, I admit it. On the upside, it gets off the big pieces until I am sufficiently motivated to do it myself and do it right. The downside is that it doesn't do a very good job. What prompted this week's effort was that I ran it through the automatic wash, and I was the first guy through. The water, obviously recycled water, stank to high heaven! I figured that couldn't be good, so I took 'er home and washed 'er up right and did the wax job immediately thereafter. Won't be going there again, I assure you! On a slightly related note, I was adjusting the pressure in my tires, when it occurred to me that I had never inspected the spare. Good thing I did! Recommended pressure by the manual is 60 PSI. Mine was at 31. Sheesh! If I'd have had a flat, I would have been stranded. Yeah, it's fixed now. Thanks again y'all! Dan