Just received a call today telling me my car is on its way from Japan, expecting sometime in middle of Oct at port. Will end up being almost a 4 month wait.
Holy cow! A FOUR month wait?! Did you get the special gold-plated, diamond-encrusted version or something?
I've had a deposit and waiting on mine since April and it's still not even close as of yesterday when I checked at the dealership. It's almost six months now.
guess things aren't bad on my end here in California. I ordered mine July 20th and the toyota guy says it arrived at the port here on Wed. I'm anxiously awaiting for his call...
You guys are much more patient than I would be. bablang's wait is much more typical of what I would expect; even in the high-demand economy. Neither of you (spidey or katiewin) are in a place where waiting times of that long are justified. This advice is probably moot for spidey at this point, but I would definitely shop around if I were you, katiewin. Call all the dealers within the distance you're willing to drive to get your car. I predict that some dealer in your area should be able to get you a car at or below MSRP within 4 weeks. These days, supply is up (as the new models come in) and demand is down (a little from it's peak, anyway), so it should take you much less time than it took for bablang.
I've made calls to the regional office in Cincinnati, OH, sent multiple emails to Toyota and visits and phone calls to my dealership. I've made calls to surrounding area dealerships as well, a dealership in a state close by told me it would be nine months to one year if I placed a deposit with them.
guys & gals, In Toyota's schedule for startup & deliveries of the '09 models it was clear a few months ago that the northern part ot the eastern seaboard wouldn't see their Priuses until mid to late October even if placed the 1st week of June (when they opened the order'g system for the '09's). Katiewin probably got on a long dealer's list & the supply of '08's dwindled to a trickle shortly after she signed up. I had to wait 6 months too for my 2005 Prius. Ken (in Bolton,Ct)
We waited ~4-5 weeks for our Prius back in 2005 (in CT). This, too, was when gas prices temporarily spiked to previously unheard of $3/gallon and there was a run on Prii. We also probably waited too long and could have had one faster if we had shopped around. I'm sorry, Katiewin, but there's no way it should take 9 months to a year to get a Prius at this point. It's a hot commodity, but not that hot. I notice that you live in a pretty sparsely-populated area. Have you considered taking a look in Winston-Salem or in the DC area? Some of them might have cars in stock right now. I suppose if you're not in a huge rush, there's no harm in waiting, but I know I wouldn't be able to be nearly as patient as you have been. Have you asked your dealer for details? In other words, what number are you on their "list" and about how many cars do they get in per month?
Nope ordered a silver pine mica option 3. Just got caught at the rush and turnover to 2009. Lots of options 2 around in the SE right now but really wanted to better radio so I can integrate sat into it.
I ask for the silver pine mica with pkg #6. Two weeks ago the salesman at the dealership here told me I might wait two years to get that combo.
OK. Well, if you're willing to wait, that's your decision. However, there is absolutely no way that it should take anywhere near 2 years. If your local dealer isn't going to get allocated one of these soon, he/she should look around to try to find another dealership to swap with. And you should definitely be able to find a Prius with that configuration relatively close to you. Something to remember is that you should never trust what one dealer tells you about another dealer's allocation. If all of the dealers around you are telling you (in person or over the phone) that they aren't going to get any of these cars for two years, then I would widen my search circle. If, on the other hand, one dealer is telling you that no other dealers get these cars, I would call the other dealers to know for sure.
Spidey, Can you tell me where is SE (closest to NY) can I find a pkg #2? I'm looking for one. I was offer one from Arizona way under msrp, but way too far, shipping $1100 and I have to paid in full first which I'm not comfortable with. Please let me know. Thanks Frankie
Oh, these messages about 3-9 month waits scare me! I am actually looking for advice - live in New York, willing to buy from dealers out of state. Want a 2008 or 2009 package 2, in Spectra Blue. Having a very tough time finding this - caught between seasons and that blue is rare. And I'd like to pay MSRP or below (also hard in this area). Any advice much appreciated.
How soon do you want/need it? The blue is rare and you are just between seasons but, depending on where you live in New York, you should be able to find one relatively quickly. However, it will take some work on your part. The best strategy is to call or email (or both, although calling often gets a better response) a bunch of dealers in your area. Be prepared for most of them to not have what you want, but if you deal in volume, it should work out for you in a reasonable amount of time. Another good thing to do would be to start a new post with your location and what you want and ask about dealers that people recommend in the area. Sometimes there are great dealers that get a lot of cars that are better to deal with than others. Good luck!
When I started looking for my Prius in July a lot of dealers did have them in stock BUT they were selling them for above MSRP, usually about 1000 over. At SF Toyota, where I ended up getting my car, they sold it to me at MSRP but I had to be put on the waiting list. BTW, I still dont have my car yet... this waiting sucks!
This all seems strange to me I just contacted about 6 different dealerships last weekend, drove around to them to see what they had in stock and test drive. Then I selected 3 different dealerships and told them exactly what I wanted, let them run a credit check on me, and then told them the first one that came up with the exact car I wanted would have my business. I got a call 2 days later, filled out paperwork and the car is due tomorrow. In fact they said it is not in tomorrow they will loan me a Prius until the truck carrying it arrives. I have the vin number of the car and everything. The entire process took less than a week. Perhaps I am just lucky, or hit the market at the exact right time, either that or playing dealerships against each other works. Picking up a Spectra Blue Package #6 Prius tomorrow ( either that or a loaner till the truck arrives ) they said it was being taken off the ship as we signed the contract. We will see. But we are very excited about the new car. I am kind of tough on dealers and salespeople….. I think of torturing them as kind of a perk when buying a car. Then again maybe I was just lucky. I am in California so perhaps it is easier as the port that the ships come into is only about a hundred miles away.
well I am expecting the car by friday Oct 3 its in port and now being inspected and preped for the dealer. This was an order so we are getting exactly what we wanted without ANY dealer/port added extras