My prize vessel, The Silver Prius bin pushin' 15,000 nautical miles. 'Tis ripe to jetison and refill the bilge water and bilge water filter, along with rotatin' the...keel. I be a sailin' in the tropics of Southern California. Me thinks 5w-30 replacement bilge water should suffice. Any advice from other pirate hearties in these tropics? (BTW: It's talk like a Pirate day)
You must be from Pitttsburgh? Real Pirates do their own oil changes, 5-30 is what the book recommends. I use Mobil 1, though it costs a few more dubloons (whatever a dubloon is!).
"talk like a pirate" day is really picking up, it seems. There wasn't much recognition of it last year, but i'm seeing evidence that a lot more people are recognizing it. Heck, even Facebook has the ability to change your language setting to "pirate' today.
Arrgh! Ye be right on the mark with ye calculations thar matie. I take me vessel into the dry dock when having the keel hauled and ye olde bilge pumped.
I'm sorry you all, its just as I suspected, I spoke with a Hollywood Lawyer, and he confirms that if we are going to do the "Talk Like a Pirate Thing" certain monetary rights will have to be paId to the following Hollywood Personnel ... 1- Johnny Depp 2-The Captain Morgan Rum Corp. and yes, 3- The estate of Errol Flynn. He had a helluva residual contract!! Details and fees to be posted later! You know I bet there's a HACK out there somewhere to make the Speedometer read in KNOTS!!! Pat KK6PD
Yes, I did make a "Labatts Beer Can" log for my 32 foot sailboat in 1977 using the empty can with the top opened placed in a bleach bucket secured to the top of the guard rail. A 60 foot length of nylon line then inserted into the can mouth was led to a small hole in the bottom of the beer can and a knot tied. The other end of the line was secured to the guard rail. To determine the speed of my fully hybrid vessel, enroute from Hawaii to Victoria BC, at any time I would simply chuck the empty beer can over-board and clock the seconds 'til the can came to the end of the line and produces a tug. Without giving away any top secret info I will remind whoever is interested that 60 feet= 100th of a nautical mile (approx). Sorry , I just remembered that the can would probably be crushed by some Alpha Hotel in a non -hybrid machine behind me on the highway so probably would not be feasible. eep: Gary